Sacred Soul Resurgence - Soul Discovery Series (Next Call: Fri. July 19th at 9am PT ~ Special Masterclass with Kari Kiazyk)
Catalytic energies are abounding right now! They're spurring the deep Soul Mastery and profound wisdom that we hold in our DNA and repressed cellular consciousness to the surface in a massive way...
While this is extremely exciting and can incite massive creative flow, it can also be physically uncomfortable. Many are experiencing bizarre body symptoms, intense emotional waves, sometimes even feeling like 'am I losing my mind?' We're coming into a whole new way of Being and experiencing the World - it's uncharted territory. That's why we're bringing back our Soul Discovery Series - and it's kicking off soon!
  1. Check out the schedule here:
** If you want to get emails for the calls you can scroll to the bottom and there's a place to sign up for all the notifications for the series!
2. Listen to the launch replay for all the logistics and summit details:
3. Set your intention for the resurgence of your Soul Mastery that you've developed and honed over many incarnations and dimensional experiences - Comment with it below and I'll infuse your intention with energetic support so you can be held int he realization of it throughout our series!
Amanda Hopkins
Sacred Soul Resurgence - Soul Discovery Series (Next Call: Fri. July 19th at 9am PT ~ Special Masterclass with Kari Kiazyk)
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