TRIANGLE DIVINE 'Dimensional Attunements' ~ SERIES of 4 Calls ~
Claim your Intuitive Mastery and establish a Consistent Flow of Light through your ~Clairs with Increased Communication!
Activate your Triangle Centers - the 4 main multi-dimensional parts of your human being that enable you to Master your intuition + keep them online and available for that reliable, unwavering flow of light and information! To do this we need to upgrade the chakras and surrounding organs that correlate to the Triangles.
You'll use Metatron's cube to create a sustainable sub-structure for Dimensional expression of your Soul.
We'll access the 3D - 5D - 6D - 7D levels which relate to your Triangle Centers of Intelligence.
We'll be Stabilizing the vibration of these 4 Triangle Centers by creating a 'vibrational nesting place' with the corresponding organs and chakras to support your Being Master Intuitive Human with Multi-Dimensional access:
Triangle - Chakra - Body/Organ - Dimension
~SENTIENCE TRIANGLE (Clairsentience) - Solar Plexus chakra - Stomach, Gallbladder, Spleen, Liver - 3rd Dimension
~MATTER TRIANGLE (Clairaudience) - Throat chakra + Ear chakras - Thyroid, Mouth, Esophagus + Ears - 5th Dimension
~SPIRIT TRIANGLE (Clairvoyance) - Pineal + Pituitary Gland, Hypothalamus - 6th Dimension
~THOUGHT TRIANGLE (Claircognizance) - Cerebrum, Spinal Cord, Brain Stem - 7th Dimension
The human mind won't easily "surrender" to Spirit, so we must upgrade = Higher multi dimensional Mind to Spirit resonance. We will prepare your energy body (corresponding chakra), physical body (corresponding organ) with the Triangle Center of Intelligence so that you are available and stable.
Then the substructure is sound enough to "hold" you in a way that allows for you to 'play Celestial music together' with the Cosmic Light - you as a divine instrument and the Light playing through you...singing your Soul Song.
Let's Light up your Clairs so you can Master your Intuitive Nature...
Boom Boom!
xoxox C
Christel Hughes
TRIANGLE DIVINE 'Dimensional Attunements' ~ SERIES of 4 Calls ~
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