What brings you Joy? Archeia Joy Card #33: Prioritize Play and Pleasure - Jumped Out of the Deck!
I will usually pull a card (or three) from one or more decks each day. I tune in to see how many and which decks. The last 4 times I have pulled from Calista’s Female Archangels Oracle card deck, this card has come out. Last night it “flew out” of the deck and landed on the bed. First card. I laughed out loud. Message received. And it brought me joy! I felt guided to share this message with all of you.
Take a close look at all the symbolism, colours and numbers on this beautiful card. What do you see, hear, know or feel when you look and tune in. She makes my heart light up and my face smile. Look at all those beautiful colours. The roses and flowers jump out at me. Archeia Joy is “leaping for joy” in this card, and she makes me want to get up and leap for joy too. This card and all of my oracle card decks bring me such joy. I always get the perfect message(s).
I will put the information about this card from the guidebook in a comment below this post. But for now, “What brings you joy?” Have you been prioritizing play and pleasure?
💞 I find that when I am in gratitude, I am also in joy. I like to come up with a gratitude list every now and then - even just in my mind. This allows me to see how blessed I am. And that puts me in a state of Joy!
💞 My granddaughter, Sarah, brings me immense joy! She is pure love and joy! Sarah is like a little angel or fairy and is constantly smiling and being silly. I love to sing and dance with her. It brings me back to my childhood and the energy of play again. Sarah will be 2 years old in April, and she has been such a blessing. That love for her is “out of this world!”
💞 What else brings me joy? My beautiful little family: the love of my amazing and loving husband of almost 39 years, my two sons, my “bonus” daughter (daughter-in-law), and my granddaughter Sarah. I feel so blessed.
💞 To get into a state of joy, I love to do the following: watch a comedy, go for a walk in nature (if it’s not too cold out there) — the beach, a forest where I can talk to the trees, my garden where I commune with my beautiful rose bush and other high vibrational plants (Spring/Summer). If it’s too cold I will go into a meditation and journey to the above places. I love to sing and chant. My favourite is “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha” with Lord Ganesha (the remover of obstacles); I have one in particular that I sing and dance too. I will get funny looks from my husband, but I just laugh. I have a playlist on Youtube of my favourite “High Vibrational Music.” I also love to learn new things - especially anything about spirituality and this beautiful journey I have been on since about 2016. Crystals bring me joy. I have way too many (according to my husband). He said if we ever moved from here, we would need a truck just for my crystals - he is exaggerating a bit. LOL
💞 Now your turn, what brings you joy?
Patty MacKay
What brings you Joy? Archeia Joy Card #33: Prioritize Play and Pleasure - Jumped Out of the Deck!
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