Welcome to 911 Armor, a community dedicated to empowering first responders by building mental health resilience through peer support.
🔥 Exclusive members only content
🔥 Live Q&A Sessions
🔥 Daily exchange on the topics that concern you
🔥 In-depth expert knowledge
🔥 My ultimate REBT, Emotional Intelligence, and mindfulness course for responders
🔥 Specialized Training Sessions
🔥 Guest Speaker Sessions
🔥 Resource Library (Custom digital library of curated resources—articles, videos, research papers, or podcasts)
🔥 Monthly live zoom calls
🔥 52-week mental resilience journey
🔥 Mental Health Crisis Resources
🔥 A community of like-minded people
🔥 Weekly Challenges & Exercises: resilience-building challenges, exercises, and prompts to use to grow and develop mental strength.
Together, we can strengthen our mental well-being and stand resilient in the face of the challenges we face every day.