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Dan Callaway Studio

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3 contributions to Dan Callaway Studio
"When I make enough money"
Realized this week that I've been using this phrase as an excuse -- A couple of dreams I have that involve having a lot of money are -- Creating a scholarship fund at the Conservatory so that the pedagogy program is fully funded (and retro-paying all previous students' loans and tuition). And producing new and exciting new musical theatre work -- others' and my own. And I thought -- what could I do that did a similar thing as the scholarship? I could give my knowledge away to the best of my ability -- what if I put everything I teach and have learned on YouTube for anyone to access?? That feels satisfying and possible. And the shows -- dang, I work at the freaking Boston Conservatory. I wonder where I might find some musicians and singing actors to workshop some things. I don't need the idyllic barn on my farm (yet). I want to see what I can do from the wealth I already have. What can you do today from the wealth you already have? Love much
New comment 8d ago
1 like • 13d
What a generous dream ❤️
Teacher Feature -- Cassi Mikat
Y'all -- I told you about @Cassi Mikat a little already. Together with Will Pazdziora they're The Voice Collective working out of NYC. Cassi is multi-faceted. Knows her way around an aria like nobody's business, teaches rough effects for rock like a boss, and has a way of seeing you and calling out what's natural and special. I've seen her do it a lot. And, she'll have you recovering for days if you hear her sing. One time at the BoCo she sang "If I Can't Love Her" from Beauty and the Beast, and I wasn't well for the rest of the weekend. Look her up -- follow her and will on IG --
New comment Jul 6
1 like • Jul 6
1 like • Jul 6
Dan! This is so sweet!
You Will Still Be Mine -- music day
Earl journey day 2 -- Today I go through the chords, check out what's musically interesting, and see what Sarah B was doing -- she's so smart. Use of minor to relative major, lots of minor second moving in the bass line that makes thing tense and close, and some surprising out of-the-key chords. If it gets boring 2/3 of the way through with me noodling around, just jump to the end with overall comments about what I notice. Asking yourself what the music's telling you about the story, huge. Such an interesting song, tells the tale well.
New comment Jun 26
1 like • Jun 24
The thing I’m loving about this process is that the barrier of entry is low. You don’t have to find time to sit in front of a piano for 2 hours in one chunk. You can find 20min between commitments to work through part of the song. Then let that cook overnight (when those synapses form in your brain) and add on in another short burst the next day. Everything will stick better this way AND it’s way easier to find 20min in a busy schedule than an hour or more.
1 like • Jun 24
@Dan Callaway my favorite kind of twofer
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Cassi Mikat
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Active 13d ago
Joined Jun 4, 2024
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