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the hang up.

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35 contributions to the hang up.
Full pitch...
What's a product that requires more of a full pitch, emotional grinder and sale's meeting? I'm finding working in channel sales is very short n' sharp in terms of pitch... I'm not really sure this type of sales utilises the full potential of Sandler, or maybe I'm missing a few things? Any thoughts???
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Sep '23
@Edward Ross if its something that they get a lot of already, this method can work a lot. Because id imagine most mortgage brokers would use financial lending in some way? So you can maybe doa post about the problems with that, that you fix. And then wrap it up with something like "..but im guessing you're going to tell me that none of that applies to you and you already have lending secured?"
0 likes • Sep '23
...or perhaps a snappy one can work if you can summarise it in a sentence/question. something like "John, if i told you this call was about financial lending, im guessing you'd tell me youve already got a lender that you're happy with and everythings perfect?" IF they say then something like, "one questions before we go then, so are you telling me you'd never ever speak to another lender even if they could offer X or Y (whatever you can do)
Getting Techincal...
Right team, question about when the sales process typically starts off being all "technical" and about the "project". Not a usual case of "we sell this software..." So ive recently got a new job...well ive re-joined an old company, working in the label and packaging printing world. Ive never really used the problem based approach we follow on this platform, certainly not with any convication or commitment so im taking this as a time to re-set and re-start things. Where we, and I, went wrong in the past I feel is the prospect would invite you in to look at a particualr project or a particial order. Be it inbound or outbound, a lot of its around timing so if they're launching a new product and need new packaging, or they need a re-order of existing packaging they will want to start here. So we would set up a meeting, either in person where we bring the relevant sample packs over and talk technicals, artwork designs, different foil options etc etc, or we'd do the same thing over zoom. Then we'd look at doing a quote. This is how the business had always done it, seems like its how the propects always do it, "weve got this project so can you come see us to help us with it" kinda thing. With that long winded context my question is this, how would be best to get control of the meeting where we can do the blender questions, figure out their decision making etc?? Would it be as simple as agreeing to that call/meeting but in the beginning being like "Very happy to discuss XYZ project you mentiioned and ive got some relevant samples here, however before we do so,... then roll into the upfront contract? Then move into the "business" questions, ask about why theyd want to us, not their existing supplier, challenges etc AND ONLY AFTER THAT do the techicnal speciifc conversation? Or, would it be best to roll with the prospect, humour them with the techincal stuff theyd seem to want and then pivot it to the business pain questions? Or thirdly, maybe try a hybrid of both? Appreciate this is a very specific question haha, but its something ive been thinking a lot about so any ideas would be class!
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Sep '23
@Callum Beecroft spot on!! Thats class!! 🙂🙂
Do this when following up with prospects.
Firstly, you've got to follow up with prospects. Just because someone doesn't need what you have right now, doesn't mean they won't in the future. A lot of people don't do this. They have a self-sabotaging script that tells them two things. Cold calls are annoying, nobody likes to receive them. That's the first thing. The second thing is that they've already "annoyed" a prospect once, they can't call do it again. And so they don't. Instead they'll waste time filling their prospect sheet with new prospects when they could be following up with existing prospects they've spoken to before. Here are two tips for you. 1️⃣ - No matter what you tell yourself or how you feel about calling a prospect back, just do it once. Afterwards you'll realise you were wrong. 2️⃣ - Know what you're going to say. I simply use the information I gathered last time round when speaking with them. It sounds like this... 💬 - I'll be upfront this is another one of those annoying sales calls. You and I spoke about 3 months ago, you probably don't remember me? 90% of the time they won't remember you which highlights how insignificant we as salespeople are. 💬 - Not a problem I didn't expect you to. When we last spoke you told me...[insert what they told you], I imagine you're going to tell me nothings changed? The whole purpose of the opener is help the prospect establish what the call is about. Context. The next part is simply there to open up a conversation. You've got to follow up. There's literally a GIF for everything isn't there.
New comment Sep '23
Do this when following up with prospects.
1 like • Sep '23
ive been looking for this exact thing!!
1 like • Sep '23
@Callum Beecroft certainly is!!
August Competition Winners!
Top of the 30 day leaderboard are these three cats: 1️⃣ - @Michael Cronan 2️⃣ - @Jamie Parmer 3️⃣ - @Edward Ross If you want to, we will jump on 1 hour cold calling block together, maybe longer. I'll message you all separately to organise. Might be difficult with @Edward Ross being in Oz but let's see what we can do.
New comment Sep '23
August Competition Winners!
3 likes • Sep '23
Oi oi
New Classroom: FIVE cold calling TIPS!🚨
Good day to you all. I've released a new classroom and in that classroom are five videos. In each video there is a tip. A tip that you can start implementing on your calls straight away. I've even had someone edit the videos. Bit too much editing if you ask me, but let me know what you think. Enjoy... Take me to the FIVE TIPS!
New comment Aug '23
New Classroom: FIVE cold calling TIPS!🚨
3 likes • Aug '23
Love it!!
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Business Development Manager

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Joined Jun 29, 2023
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