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the hang up.

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21 contributions to the hang up.
Every Salesperson Should Embrace This.
Most people expereince what I'm about to share with you. They have big dreams and aspirations, they love to share them. Boy do they love to share them. They're not happy with where they are in life, they're not happy with where they're heading. Often they're heading nowhere. And that's the problem. So what is it that's preventing people from following their dreams? We only have one life after all, why wouldn't you do everything possible to life the best possible life you can? The life you want to live. The answer is simple. It's only one word. Fear. Fear of what others might think, fear of the unknown, fear of taking risks but most important of all, fear of failure. Crazy to think people will let an emotion dictate their life. If you have dreams, ambitions or goals in life, achieving them is what we define as success. So I message to you is simple. The most successful people are the ones who have failed the most. The youngest of those successful people are the ones that failed the quickest. We learn the most from our failures. Often you'll find that is where motivation and drives come from. So you have to embrace it. Seek failure and seek it often. Celebrate it. Take the lesson, use the pain of failure to succeed next time round. If you can do that day in day out, there is nothing that can stop you achieving what you want to achieve. Face your fears!
New comment Sep '23
Every Salesperson Should Embrace This.
1 like • Sep '23
Go on've gotta love it aven't ya!?!?!?!
0 likes • Sep '23
😅 Think I meant go on! as in overcoming failure, I feel like it was misunderstood...but i'm with 100% mate!!!
Full pitch...
What's a product that requires more of a full pitch, emotional grinder and sale's meeting? I'm finding working in channel sales is very short n' sharp in terms of pitch... I'm not really sure this type of sales utilises the full potential of Sandler, or maybe I'm missing a few things? Any thoughts???
New comment Sep '23
0 likes • Sep '23
@Jamie Parmer Oh right, yeah missed that bit mate! Working for a lender offering finance to mortgage brokers....
0 likes • Sep '23
@Michael Cronan Yeah for sure! We do use the basics in the frames but we don't really get too specific about their problems or potentially really their clients problems - which is their problem - and I feel we don't get into their pain enough - or use the emotional grinder, we just ask really quickly if they have anything they are dealing with now... I don't feel we are really utilising what Jack and Callum teach tbh...
Community question...
Just wondering - which sector of the sales industry people are in? Cheers,
New comment Oct '23
Do this when following up with prospects.
Firstly, you've got to follow up with prospects. Just because someone doesn't need what you have right now, doesn't mean they won't in the future. A lot of people don't do this. They have a self-sabotaging script that tells them two things. Cold calls are annoying, nobody likes to receive them. That's the first thing. The second thing is that they've already "annoyed" a prospect once, they can't call do it again. And so they don't. Instead they'll waste time filling their prospect sheet with new prospects when they could be following up with existing prospects they've spoken to before. Here are two tips for you. 1️⃣ - No matter what you tell yourself or how you feel about calling a prospect back, just do it once. Afterwards you'll realise you were wrong. 2️⃣ - Know what you're going to say. I simply use the information I gathered last time round when speaking with them. It sounds like this... 💬 - I'll be upfront this is another one of those annoying sales calls. You and I spoke about 3 months ago, you probably don't remember me? 90% of the time they won't remember you which highlights how insignificant we as salespeople are. 💬 - Not a problem I didn't expect you to. When we last spoke you told me...[insert what they told you], I imagine you're going to tell me nothings changed? The whole purpose of the opener is help the prospect establish what the call is about. Context. The next part is simply there to open up a conversation. You've got to follow up. There's literally a GIF for everything isn't there.
New comment Sep '23
Do this when following up with prospects.
1 like • Sep '23
Really solid advice here...really true.
1 like • Sep '23
I'm gonna implement this mindset more tomorrow on my call's, cheers!
The Blender
Watched a few of the classroom videos last week, the structure of The Blender is definitely something I've been missing for the past few months. I had moved away from following a clear structure of my calls which I thought was giving me more of a free flow but after following The Blender structure yesterday on a couple of calls, it has definitely helped. My calls were much more concise and straight to the point and I managed to get a couple of good prospects booked in for meetings. Has anyone signed up to The Phonejacker Academy yet?
New comment Sep '23
3 likes • Sep '23
@Ryan Davidson You mean Transactional Analysis? Not 100% sure but I know Benjamin covers it...
2 likes • Sep '23
@Ryan Davidson 😅 Awesome!
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