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How To Win & Keep On Winning

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7 contributions to How To Win & Keep On Winning
📣“Your Voice Matters: Let’s Create Something Great Together!”📣
🚀🚀“I want to take a moment to express how much I truly appreciate each and every one of you in this community. Together, we’re building something incredible—something that thrives on our interactions, our questions, and our shared wisdom. The more we engage with each other, the more we all grow, learn, and succeed. I encourage everyone to share your thoughts, ask questions, and start conversations. Your voice matters, and your contribution can spark new ideas and inspire others. Let’s keep this energy flowing and build a space where we all support and uplift one another. I’m here to help in any way I can, but I also need your help to make this community the best it can be. So, let’s get this place buzzing with activity! Let’s make this community a source of inspiration, learning, and growth for all of us. I’m excited to see what we can achieve together! Much love to you all!”🚀🚀
New comment 6d ago
2 likes • 7d
Something good has to happen when a group of people positively interact. Keep it up!
This video got over 700,000 views TikTok, and was the beginning of my journey to cancer, free and wealthy!!!
Two years ago, in July 2022, I started my comeback story—a journey back from the depths of cancer and the mental health battles that COVID threw my way. To say my brain felt like it went through a blender is an understatement. But guess what? I’m back—stronger, wiser, and a whole lot more stubborn! 💪 Life knocked me down, but it doesn’t know who it’s messing with. We’ve all had our share of stumbles, but falling doesn’t mean we can’t get back up, dust ourselves off, and leap back into the game of life. This time, I’m not just getting back up; I’m coming back with a vengeance. New chapter, new me—a better version of who I’ve ever been! So, to anyone feeling like life’s knocked them down: get up, shake it off, and let’s get to work. We’ve got more living, more laughing, and more winning to do! Thank you, for watching, and taking interest in my journey from having cancer and mental illness that came with cancer and Covid, to being cancer free And continuing my journey to overcome every mental health issue that I have had to deal with. Todd Flagg
New comment 3d ago
This video got over 700,000 views TikTok, and was the beginning of my journey to cancer, free and wealthy!!!
2 likes • 8d
What a fantastic, brave and challenging story you told, Todd. I can see why it got views. What's better is that you've gotten back on a winning path. Stay on it. We're all on it with you!
Skool isn't the answer...
It's a tool — albeit a great one — but you will be the one to realize your own answer. Don't go into a group expecting to get your $10K-a-month immediately. (For most, it will never come, because they will give up too soon and more importantly, go in with the wrong attitude... "I want mine.") I think the better strategy is to go all in on Dale Carnegie's "help enough people get what they want and you'll get what you want." I think that's what Todd has created here. It would be neat to see it realized... for him, for you... for all of us. I not only believe in that, I am living proof of that philosophy.
Skool isn't the answer...
Thank you my new Brother
thank you so much, my brother you know who you are @Mike Farley LOL
New comment 3d ago
Thank you my new Brother
2 likes • 8d
Glad I could be of service. Not many of us get to duke it out with a world champion!
2 likes • 8d
@Todd Flagg you're lucky to be alive!
To my loving and supportive wife by the way, it was our anniversary on 15 September. It’s been 11 years now and we both forgot lol
To My Incredible Wife, @Trina Flagg I love you more than words can express, and I’m so thrilled to welcome you to this amazing community! Thank you for being my unwavering source of strength, love, and support through every high and low. You’ve stood by me, lifting me up and believing in me, and I am forever grateful. You are my rock—my everything. Today, I’m over the moon with pride as you’ve passed all of your nursing exams! Your hard work, determination, and passion are truly inspiring. It’s a fantastic day for the Flagg clan, and I couldn’t be prouder of all you’ve accomplished. You prove time and time again that with dedication and love, we can achieve anything. Together, we’re unstoppable. I can’t wait to see where our journey takes us next, hand in hand, heart to heart. I love you with all my soul, Trina. Here’s to building our dreams and living our best lives together! Forever yours, ✨ToddFlagg ✨aka (CHICKENBALL)✨
New comment 1d ago
1 like • 8d
I've been married for 37 years... when you've got a great partner in your corner you can accomplish damn near anything. Congrats to Trina... I assume, like me, you married far above your pay grade! 🤩
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Mike Farley
3points to level up
America's High School Kicking Coach, Marketing & Design Big Shot and Devoted Family Man (not necessarily in that order).

Active 35m ago
Joined Sep 10, 2024
Cedarburg, WI
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