🦸The 80/20 Time principle🦸
Do the $1,000 Per hour jobs, not the $10 per hour. How to discover where your time goes by using the "Time map".....I continue to be amazed at what Fitpros put their time into, so this is a HIGH-VALUE task And also... 👉What you need to do to maximise your "80/20 power grid" in order to outwork your competition with ease! Never heard these terms before? Get stuck into the video with a notepad! As I mentioned in my previous posts, it's the FUNDAMENTALS that return the riches and stability as a Fitpro... So, if you have any hope to hit 10k months you need to have a polished 80/20 power grid so you can maximise both your time, efficiency and sanity. Otherwise, you'll burn out and overwhelm will smack you in the face! Let me know in the comments if this helped.