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Conscious Creators Hub

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13 contributions to Conscious Creators Hub
Conscious Creator Protocol
I have spent the last few days working on a very ambitious project. I call it 'Conscious Creator Protocol.' I will be releasing the first version of the protocol within this week. Moving forward, it will be a cornerstone of this community and a guiding bible for building a conscious, heart-centered content empire on the internet. We are sitting at the dawn of a new renaissance. The old education system has failed humanity, and education is democratizing. People no longer trust the million-dollar education institutes and schools. You can learn faster, better, and cheaper by opening your new browser tab. But it brings the massive challenge of distraction. Our attention has been stolen by those who have learned to hack algorithms for their benefit. There is a framework required to revolutionize education in the true sense. Conscious Creator Protocol offers the perfect system for transforming your skills and knowledge into a thriving online business—in a soulful way. Once done, we will move to the next phase of onboarding new leaders onto this missing. And I can't do it alone. I am looking for partners and associates to join me in this mission. I want to work with you to make this mission possible. You in? Comment "GAME ON" if you are in.
New comment 9d ago
Conscious Creator Protocol
2 likes • 11d
Seems very interesting and will love to hear more so GAME ON.
Money Manifestation - Visualization Exercise Based on Silva Method
This money meditation is based on the Silva method, a powerful manifestation technique to help you create more abundance in your life: --- Meditation Starts Here 1. Find a comfortable position and gently close your eyes. Take three deep breaths, imagining a golden light entering your body as you inhale through your nose, and dark clouds of stress leaving as you exhale slowly through your mouth. 2. Picture yourself in a lush, peaceful garden. Feel the soft grass beneath your feet and the warm sun on your skin. Listen to the gentle rustling of leaves and the melodic songs of birds. Breathe in the sweet scent of blooming flowers. 3. In this tranquil setting, visualize a shimmering, crystal-clear pond before you. Its surface is like a mirror, reflecting the sky above. This is your mind's eye, where you'll create powerful visualizations. 4. Think of a financial goal or desired outcome you want to achieve. On the pond's surface, see an image of yourself having already accomplished this goal. Make the reflection as vivid and detailed as possible, noticing your confident posture and radiant smile. 5. Step into this reflection, merging with your successful self. Feel a wave of positive emotions wash over you. Notice how you stand taller, speak with authority, and how others respond to your newfound success with admiration and respect. 6. As you embody this prosperous version of yourself, create a physical anchor. Perhaps touch your thumb and forefinger together, forming a circle of energy, or gently squeeze your wrist. This anchor will help you recall these empowering feelings in your daily life. 7. Now, the pond's surface ripples, showing scenes from your journey to success. Watch as you overcome obstacles with grace, make wise financial decisions, and attract opportunities effortlessly. See golden threads of possibility connecting you to your goals. 8. Listen closely to your inner voice. It speaks with the wisdom of your highest self, offering encouragement and unwavering belief in your abilities. If you hear any whispers of doubt, see them dissolve like mist in the warm sunlight of your confidence. 9. Before concluding, take a mental photograph of your prosperous self. See it develop in the air before you, glowing with vibrant colors. Imprint this image in your mind's golden vault, knowing you can access it whenever you need inspiration or guidance. 10. Slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Feel energy tingling in your fingers and toes. When you're ready, open your eyes, carrying the light of abundance with you. 11. Take a moment to reflect on your experience. Consider capturing the essence of your visualizations in a journal, perhaps using colored pens to represent the vivid imagery you experienced.
New comment 11d ago
Money Manifestation - Visualization Exercise Based on Silva Method
2 likes • 28d
Thanks for sharing. I have always been curious of the Silva method. They have representatives here in France but I always held back taking the initial course. Did you do it? Does it work? Thanks for your answer.
1 like • 15d
@Rishi Lamba I am not sure what’s stopping me exactly. Maybe I don’t really believe it works I don’t know. I was impressed by the concept and Silva story like you, though.
Transforming Trauma into Healing Path for Others ✨
I had an incredible active meditation this morning. In the last segment of the meditation, while I was lying down on my red mattress, looking at the roof with almost no conscious thoughts, I quickly had a profound vision. I realized how most healers and coaches had their own challenges that led them on this path. Without their trauma, they would have never followed the path that now has the ability to transform thousands of people they will come across. I thought about writing a blog or recording a podcast on the topic (which I will publish on the site and here). I would love to know what made you choose this path of conscious creation and entrepreneurship. Please share in the comments, and if you have a link to your YouTube or Website, add it along. I will be happy to add a link that will give you additional visibility. That itself is worth hundreds of dollars as it's a free backlink (it generally costs $100-$1000 per link). Feel free to express yourself without holding back. Comment Below 👇
New comment 15d ago
Transforming Trauma into Healing Path for Others ✨
2 likes • 18d
I decided to walk this path for 2 main reasons: - all my struggles and traumas of the last 30+ were not for nothing. I have some experiences that may help others. - it was time for a personal healing journey. I chose to do it by sharing my thoughts and intuitions through my medium articles and my YouTube channel. Walking and writing for others help me sort my beliefs and receive inner guidance to manifest a happier life. I have a hard time choosing between my website or my YouTube channel. My website is my means to support my investments in this journey and my YouTube channel is to grow a tribe audience for my content. So I will let you choose which you think is best. My YouTube channel Ahkadi Design Shop Thank you for the opportunity Take care Adja Armelle
2 likes • 18d
@Himanshu Bisht Wow. Thank you very much for your advice and kind words. I was about to put my website link on all my YouTube videos. I am just waiting to upload enough designs. And I already have my YouTube channel link on my website. I was having a hard time linking my content with a seamless patterns’ design shop. There is not a direct link between the 2 except for the feeling good aspect. Thank you Adja Armelle
Loving the New Name and Doodle 🤩
I love more playful style and new mission. I will be more active from hereon. Was busy with the client work and job. 🥳🥳
New comment 18d ago
Loving the New Name and Doodle 🤩
3 likes • 18d
I also really like it better. It’s more freeing and open which is the point of this community. Good job 👌😀
What is stopping you from creating content online?
Answer below. And if you find someone sharing please help them with your knowledge and abilities. GO 👇
New comment 15d ago
1 like • 20d
For me, it’s not really ideas. It’s the hassle of having to set things up to record for my YouTube channel. I have pages of content ideas I want to make. For now I record with only my iphone (image and audio). But even then it’s takes way more time than I want or can afford. I just want to share the message and all the technical hoops are just holding me back. When I was making faceless videos with just audio. I found it easier. Now, I am focusing on making content for people at 40+ starting over their life through my own example. I read that it was better if I showed myself. So, I did despite the fact that intuitively It felt “not me yet…”. I don’t know how to explain. So now, I am less consistent as a result. I am also putting the finishing touches on a seamless patterns digital shop I put together. I love fabric patterns and colors and it’s therapeutic at this point for me to make them. They can be printed on fabric and paper. Think printing at spoonflower or cottonbee (Europe) on fabric, or on paper for gift wrapping or scrapbooking. I have so many designs already done that I am struggling to know what to upload first. My plan is to have fun making them and hopefully earn enough money to pay for expenses like materials and tools to create more content for my YouTube channel. That is until I have a large enough audience trust. I also feel like it will be better I have several income streams instead of focusing on future courses income. Any ideas everyone ? I would appreciate it. Here are my links for reference so you can share any ideas you have: My YouTube channel Ahkadi Design Shop Thank you and take care🙂
3 likes • 20d
@Sacha Nahal Yes I tried descript. It’s nice but still time consuming when you have long content. I thank you for the advice on making what people want instead of what I want. I tend to forget that.
1-10 of 13
Adja Armelle Doré
28points to level up
Hi, I am adja. I live in France and I am relaunching my online business with a new brand Ahkadi. I am an educator in a business school as a day job.

Active 4d ago
Joined Aug 17, 2024
Rennes, France
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