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Converting Media Research Club

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7 contributions to Converting Media Research Club
FOR CRITIQUE I'd just put the link, it's a long sales copy for a page that I've rewritten😅
New comment Jul 20
SL: Feeling a little down? Open this %NAME%, Let me describe you… · You are a hard-working man, · Reading your goals every morning, · Writing a journal before bed. Read to the end for a pat on the back, %NAME% You might find yourself in one of these 3 situations: 1. You refuse to change You already know the problem, But picture this; You are 40 years old, financially stable, in a good relationship, and raising children. Would you want your kids to see you being careless about your health? Eating crap and not dropping a sweat in the gym. But you still refuse to be an inspiration to your kids. If you don’t change, You never know, but your remaining birthdays might be fewer than you can count on one hand. 2. Hitting the gym You already took the first step, It’s going to be uncomfortable at first. You do it all driving to the gym 5x a week, Counting every bite you take, But the results aren’t showing and it’s FRUSTRATING, isn’t it? because… 3. You are doubting the process If you’ve been successful in any kind, I assume you know that It’s normal to feel that way. It only means that you are in the RIGHT PATH, If you want to achieve a body that represents your STATUS and SUCCESS in life, It comes down to being consistent with your work, And ignoring the devil’s whispers in your left ear. Live by the quote “Trust the process.” You resonate with my message on some level. But reading this to FEEL better isn’t going to help you. You need to FIGHT your feelings and TAKE ACTION. If you want to achieve the body you desire, The best thing you should do is to connect with people with a common goal. And no matter where you are in this journey, Supra Human can and WILL help you break out of that rut, You NEED to go all in and commit to yourself. Because we’re not about workouts; we’re about TRANSFORMATION. If you are ready to swim on the beach without worrying about taking your clothes off, Check out this video. Talk soon, Dave Mustard
New comment Jul 7
1 like • Jul 7
@Jonny Ross Thank you so much for critiquing my copy. That's what I also thought: I set the wrong expectation for the readers, and it's barely connected to all I said at the end of the email. I didn't notice most of these mistakes until you did, this helps a lot man!
Name Change -- Any Ideas?
Be apart of this group's legacy. I think the name for the group could be better, but as we're still building it, I haven't put much thought into it yet. Do you guys have any ideas or suggestions? Our goal is to make high-converting copywriting and content principles available to everyone! What would a great name for this group be?
New comment Jul 3
1 like • Jul 2
How about, CopyCatalyst Community
1 like • Jul 2
Someone might already come up with this, this just came to my mind, it might help
How did you guys get your first clients? And did you use specs in your portfolio?
New comment Jul 1
0 likes • Jun 30
@Jonny Ross This is very valuable for those of us who are trying to land our first client
Lead Generation? You Need This Platform Hey %NAME% If I ask you, “What is the best platform for generating leads?” You might answer – Facebook ads, TikTok, or any social media ads. That is a fact, but most are UNQUALIFIED and NO-SHOWS prospects… Let me show you the ONLY platform you’ll need to meet your DREAM CLIENTS. In the past couple of years, I’ve leveraged several platforms to successfully book THOUSANDS of appointments for both my agency & consulting business. One of those platforms is LinkedIn, which performed best for both my businesses But hold your horses! I get it, LinkedIn may not be the SEXIEST platform, But when it comes to lead generation, It’s a POWERHOUSE. If you are not using it to grow your agency, you are missing out! (Just thousands of dollars $$$...) Don’t believe me? Look at my results. With over 18,000 followers, LinkedIn became the source of my organic meetings and client opportunities for my business, Because I followed the steps below: 1. Be a Thought Leader – the key is to be the top VALUE-PROVIDER in your niche, it should be relevant and engaging with your audience. It’s not just about posting and praying. You also need a strategic approach to connect with HIGH-VALUE prospects. You can do it by… 2. Building Relationship, Then Business – By leveraging organic reach, outbound, and social proof, you can land your DREAM CLIENTS without breaking the bank. %NAME% You might be thinking it sounds too good to be true, The truth is, It’s just as simple as posting contents and connecting with people. You want to know the hard part? Staying consistent, figuring out what works/what doesn’t If you are not going to take it seriously, don’t even bother trying – it’s not going to work. But if you are serious about nurturing your agency, tap into LinkedIn, your dream clients are waiting for you… Give it a shot, Dave Mustard
New comment Jul 1
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Aerrol Daile Arcon
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Joined Jun 21, 2024
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