Bio: Newly diagnosed ADHD-er looking to find a way to stop procrastinating, get motivated & get things done quickly and efficiently. Saw ADHD Vision on YT.
Bio: Focus Revolution Team Expert.Certified Life & Executive Coach with entrepreneurial & teaching background.MA in Linguistics with a very active mind =)
Bio: Sarah. British. In Italy. English Teacher. Mum to a young adult. Wife of long suffering Italian (didn’t marry me for my cooking). Diagnosed 10 yrs
Bio: Hello everyone! I am a counseling master's student in Quebec City, Canada. I love dancing, nature, and cats! :) So happy to be part of this community!
Bio: Looking to get my life back on track, find understanding community and start (and finish!) all the plans I have in my head! I'm from Manchester, UK.
Bio: Focus Revolution Team. Certified wellness & accountability coach with a mindfulness approach, guiding clarity & action so you can achieve your goals.
Bio: ADHD Vision Team and Focus Session Expert │
Pre-med degree in psychology and heading towards neuroscience│Advocating for mental health is my passion
Bio: Greetings from Toronto, Canada! I'm a PhD student studying the power of stories to influence community action... Also a labour organizer... Also ADHD!
Bio: She/her Getting work done with friends is the best! I am a Senior psychotherapist. Love sharing tech ideas. Personal goals- neaten up art stuff /house