Runescape is the better game
I do not know the plan for this, but i am going to go on a long diatribe about how runescape is the greatest mmorpg ever made and has yet to be surpassed in modern gaming. When i was a young warthog, i found runescape. I played it every day i could for years. I spent a long LONG time killing goblins in lumbridge before eventually realizing there was more to life and started doing quests. Back then there was little the internet could do to facilitate this process so i had to do more than a few the old fashion way, by actually reading the dialogue. The sheer volume of options in runescape however made it a very open game and one that no other company has even attempted to replicate. The closest to it being eve online, which has a very large array of options but in which combat is almost always a necessity. Long story short runescape had something for everyone where every other mmorpg fits a specific niche that ends up not being enough fpr long term retention.