Reflecting a bit about Shiny Object Syndrome...
I hear a lot of people talking about Shiny Object Syndrome as the inability to finish a project. I don't have shiny object syndrome because I can't finish building a course when I set out to build a course. I have shiny object syndrome because I want clients, I want an income, and I want to make an impact and difference in the lives of people. But what's the best way to get clients and make an impact (and income?) Maybe it's making a course...oh, but that isn't working well and someone else recommends having a membership. I could totally make an impact with a membership!!! Or maybe having a DIFY or DFY offer? Or look at this person over here offering coaching. But maybe I didn't give my course enough time so I'll go back to that. Or maybe buy yet another course. Mostly I know what I want, I just don't know the best way to achieve my goal. I try things out, I give it some time (but probably not enough), it doesn't seem to be working well, so I jump to something else. I just want something, *anything*, to work, so I'm kinda throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. But it's not efficient. It's so tiring. And discouraging. Anyway, that's what I'm hoping what I'm learning here will fix. Thanks for letting me have a personal reflective moment. I know I'll get this eventually!!! (The power of the word "yet" is amazing!) And thank you for all the resources.