Asalamu Alikum, Alhamdulilah and by the mercy of Allah (swt), I have completed week 1. What I Learnt. Islam and Intention Comes first before everything. The Industry is an expanding and emerging business. The best opportunity to selfsihly take advantage of it, is now, before it becomes saturated and we only drool and wish to be of those that became succesful at it. Alhamdulilah, Juwaad and Shohaib have made that possible. 3 Key Takeaways. 1) The longer we keep doubting and stalling every opportunity that comes our way, the longer we will remain stuck in our comfort bubble and not have the chance to get a taste of the air lives outside it. "The biggest risk a student can take, is not taking any at all" - Juwaad 2) One could be 100% on top of their game, working hard, have connections, have more experience, but still be deemed a failure because he limited himself to what he can do and failed to "believe" on what he could achieve. 3) "The mindset of the one who wants to succed, is the mindset of the one who already succeeded." - Juwaad