Bio: Decorating my home on a Budget & making YouTube easier for the beginner & the seasoned YouTube, along with sharing my Diabetic Journey Brings me Joy..
Bio: I am independent contractor where I do customer service for multiple companies. I am interested and I am ready to work in my gift/calling/purpose.
Bio: BLoGrace brand introduces the Hip-Hop Freedom Flag 4 Kingdom kids through Christ to encourage second chances for those believing in God's promises.
Bio: Building a brand Real Identity In Christ is for the LGBTQ PRIDE COMMUNITY to know their identity in Christ and to find their their God divine purpose
Bio: I’m a Certified Christian Life Coach who empowers kingdom women to reclaim their identity, cultivate inner peace, and pursue purpose after heartbreak.
Bio: I am a Content Creator for” ReJoyce: Self-Care Moments” Reminding ourselves to Self-forgiveness Self-Compassion Self-Kindness. Practice Reiki & Love!