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Ultimate Mindset Mastery

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Elevate your Ultimate game and unlock your mental edge. 🧠 Master pressure situations 💪 Build unshakeable confidence 🏆 Achieve peak performance

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31 contributions to Ultimate Mindset Mastery
Join Me on My World Championship Adventure!
Hey Everyone, I’m excited to share that I’ll be competing in the World Championship starting tomorrow! 🏆 During this time, I’ll be stepping back from posting in our Skool community to fully immerse myself in the experience. This will allow me to reflect deeply on my journey and come back to you all with insights and lessons learned. That said, I’ll check in whenever I can to support your growth and answer any questions. ACTION REQUEST - Ask any questions or share your thoughts about the World Championships here—I'd love to hear from you! Let’s keep the momentum going!
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New comment 15d ago
Join Me on My World Championship Adventure!
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@Daan Tollenaar Great question! There isn’t a singular switch that instantly gets me "in the zone," but I’ve developed a routine that creates an environment conducive to reaching that state more often. As an introvert, I prefer to begin my warm-up solo, immersing myself in music that energizes and motivates me. Once I feel centered, I join my team, using my voice to rally both myself and my teammates, creating an energy that pumps me up! I ensure that I’m fully engaged and at 100% intensity for about 10 to 20 minutes before game time, allowing me to step onto the field completely game-ready. This routine has evolved through extensive experimentation. A beneficial starting point is to identify what "getting in the zone" feels like for you. Ask yourself: What emotions arise when you’re in that state? What actions do you instinctively take? How do you express yourself during this peak performance state? Once you articulate this picture in detail, focus on creating a "ramp" that transitions you from a neutral state to your ideal performance state. Reflect on what helps facilitate this transition. Would dancing boost your energy? Does playing certain music amplify your focus? Do you prefer to engage in a solo warm-up, or does cheering on your teammates help you? By understanding and refining your unique routine, you can consistently reach that optimal state of performance.
My Top 5 Defensive Tips for Guarding Smaller and Quicker Opponents
1. Get Low and Maintain a Low Center of Gravity Why it Matters: Smaller players benefit from their lower center of gravity, allowing them to change direction quickly. By getting low myself—lowering my hips and shoulders—I can counteract this advantage. How I Do It: I bend my knees and stay in an athletic stance. This positioning not only enables better balance but also increases my readiness to explode in any direction. I train myself to stay low even during longer defensive stretches, ensuring that I remain agile and reactive. 2. Leverage My Body Size and Strength Why it Matters: My physical size is my advantage. Using my size effectively can disrupt their movement patterns and discourage them from making aggressive cuts. How I Do It: I position my body strategically to obstruct their path. When they make a move, I use my body to shield and redirect them away from open space. I think of it as “taking away what they want.” It’s critical to be smart about physicality—always keeping it legal while effectively using my size to my advantage. 3. Play with Spacing and Adjust to the Offense Why it Matters: Understanding how different players react to pressure. Some players thrive on tight coverage, while others falter. How I Do It: I start by giving them a little space and observing their reaction. If they seem uncomfortable and hesitation creeps in, I tighten up my coverage. If they seem to love the challenge, I adjust by playing off but remain ready to close in quickly. I practice different spacing techniques in scrimmages to become adept at reading opponents in real time. 4. Push Them Deep and Control the Cutter Space Why it Matters: Smaller players often excel by getting close to the disc, utilizing their agility to create separation. By pushing them deeper, I hinder their ability to receive the disc effectively and limit their options. How I Do It: I establish my position in the cutter space and commit to not allowing them to make easy in-cuts. I use my body to maintain their distance from the disc. I work on footwork drills that enhance my ability to stay in the passing lane, keeping my body between the player and the disc most of the time.
New comment 20d ago
Daily Affirmations
I’m thinking about revamping my morning routine and starting my day with affirmations. You’ve mentioned before that one of them you say is “I’m the best frisbee player” could you give me some examples of others to use or just your whole affirmation list? Thanks!
New comment 23d ago
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I can do you one better. How about a whole worksheet that I have helped many others create their own affirmations/mantras? Let me know how they turn out Ellis!!
Embracing Your Ultimate Obsession: Finding Fulfillment in Focus
🥏 Are you obsessed with Ultimate Frisbee? Good news: It's time to embrace it! I often encounter athletes who express concern about their intense focus on the sport. They worry about lacking balance in life, fearing that their passion for Ultimate might be "too much." But let me share a personal perspective that might change how you view your dedication. My Ultimate-Centric Life Currently, about 95% of my life revolves around three key areas: 1. Work: Coaching and helping athletes improve their mental game 2. Train/Play Ultimate: Keeping my body and mind in top shape for Ultimate. Competing, practicing, and living the sport. 3. Quality time with my wife**: Nurturing my most important relationship Am I obsessed? Absolutely. Am I fulfilled? 100%. The Power of Purposeful Imbalance What many perceive as an imbalance, I see as a purposeful focus. This intense dedication to Ultimate isn't about neglecting other aspects of life; it's about channeling my energy into what truly matters to me right now. Benefits of Embracing Your Ultimate Obsession: 1. Rapid Skill Development: Immersing myself in the sport accelerates my growth as a player and athlete. 2. Deep Satisfaction: Pursuing my passion with intensity can lead to a profound sense of fulfillment. 3. Clear Priorities: Having a central focus helps me make decisions aligned with my goals. 4. Community Connection: Deep involvement in Ultimate often leads to strong, lasting relationships with like-minded individuals. 5. Transferable Skills: The discipline and dedication you develop can benefit other areas of your life. It's Your "Now," Not Your "Forever" Remember, this intense focus isn't a lifelong commitment. It's my perfect "now." Seasons of life change, and what's right for me today may evolve tomorrow. The key is to fully embrace my current passion without guilt or hesitation. Strategies for Maintaining Perspective: - Regular Check-ins: Periodically assess my fulfillment and adjust as needed. - Open Communication: Keep dialogues open with loved ones about my priorities and passions.
The Power Shift: From Blame to Solution-Focused Mindset
As a mental performance coach for Ultimate Frisbee players, I've observed a transformative journey that many athletes undergo to feel more powerful and effective on the field. This process involves three crucial stages: Stage 1: Shifting from External to Internal Blame Initially, players often fall into the trap of blaming external factors for their performance issues: - "The wind affected my throw." - "My teammate's cut was off." - "The defense was too aggressive." While these factors may contribute to challenges, focusing on them diminishes your sense of control. The first step towards empowerment is shifting this blame inward. Key Takeaway: You reclaim power over your performance by taking responsibility for your actions and outcomes. Stage 2: Embracing Personal Responsibility In this stage, you start to internalize the blame: - "I should have adjusted my throw for the wind." - "I need to communicate better with my teammates." - "I must improve my ability to handle aggressive defense." This shift is crucial because it puts you in the driver's seat of your development. You're no longer a victim of circumstances but an active participant in your growth. Key Takeaway: Accepting personal responsibility opens the door to improvement and self-empowerment. Stage 3: Transcending Blame to Focus on Solutions The final and most powerful stage is moving beyond blame altogether. Here, your energy shifts from finding fault to finding solutions: - "How can I practice throws in various wind conditions?" - "What strategies can I implement to enhance on-field communication?" - "What techniques can I develop to maintain composure under pressure?" This solution-focused mindset is where true power lies. It transforms challenges into opportunities for growth and improvement. Key Takeaway: By focusing on solutions, you channel your energy into productive actions that directly enhance your performance. Remember, this journey isn't about perfection; it's about progress. Each step you take towards a solution-focused mindset makes you more powerful, resilient, and effective on the Ultimate field.
New comment 27d ago
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Antoine Davis
78points to level up
Sports Performance Coach/Pro Athlete Helping Ultimate Frisbee Win ON and OFF the Field

Active 15d ago
Joined Jun 3, 2024
Greenwich, CT
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