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8 contributions to Trading Accelerator
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Welcome to Trading Accelerator - the free trading group you wish you had when you first started crypto. I made this course in the hopes that none of you will go through the things I went through just to become profitable. What did I go through exactly? It took me about 2 years, 5 blown accounts and about $100k down the drain before I ever became profitable. But when I look back at it… I realise it wasn’t really my fault. Just like you… I tried hard. I invested into trading courses. Watched YouTube videos to learn trading. And even put in tens of hours of practice. But for some reason it never clicked. I kept losing money. Maybe you feel the same. And I can tell you: It isn’t your fault. It’s the complete lack of quality guidance in the space. And before you start correcting me… I know that there is indeed quality guidance out there. The only catch is that you need to pay $10k to get access to that. But you are a beginner. Where the heck would you even get $10k to invest into some trading course? That’s where Trading Accelerator comes in. I made this course for the me 3 years ago. The me who wanted to achieve financial, location and time freedom through trading… but could never figure it out. I’ve lost over $500k of my own money over the years to learn the lessons I’m about to share with you for free. So don’t take it for granted. If you’re ready to get started, let me know in the comments down below. And after you do that, click this link to start your first lesson.
New comment Jan 18
3 likes • Nov '23
Let’s go time for a change. I have a good feeling about this.
0 likes • Jan 18
@Yolanda Eaves This group has taught me quite a few things I needed and wasn’t able to find anywhere else. Have a open mind and use your ears. Listen to what is being said and you will learn a lot. Good luck! Great time to be trading Cryptocurrencies.
Set Standards, Not Goals
It’s that time of the year again where everyone is setting their New Year’s resolutions. And honestly, for 99% of you reading this… It’s a waste of time. Most of you will never achieve the goals you set out. Not because you’re stupid or lazy. But you just don’t know the optimal way your brain prefers to achieve goals. Set standards, not goals. Everyone has goals... Everyone wants to be rich... Everyone wants to date the woman of their dreams... Everyone wants to be somebody... Yet, everyone around you is in a constant state of failure. Look around and ask yourself: How many people are truly reaching their goals? The answer is virtually none. And it's because of this precise reason: You won’t rise to the level of your ambitions, you will fall to the level of your standards. If you’re willing to settle for less, you will get less. You will fall as far as your standards let you - regardless of what your 'goals' are. Make it unreasonable for you to fail. It’s cool that you set goals. But you must also set standards to go along with your goals. It’s easy to say that you want to get in shape this year. But you won’t achieve that if you don’t exercise consistently or watch your diet. The framework I like to use when setting standards is to ask myself: “How can I make it unreasonable for me to fail?” For getting into shape, this could look like: - Going to the gym **at least** 3 times a week - Diet consisting 90% of natural foods - Walking at least 30 minutes a day Wouldn’t you agree that it’d be unreasonable for you to be out of shape if you did that consistently? In the context of making money trading, it could look like: - 1 paper trade + journalling that paper trade every day - 15 minutes of backtesting per day - 15 minutes of learning about trading per day Long-term time horizons Just setting standards obviously won’t get you to your end goal right away. But, it’ll ensure you stay on the right track. It’ll help you move closer to your goals every day. After you set your standards for whatever goal it is you want to achieve… You just gotta put your head down and do the work. However long it takes you achieve your goal… Wouldn’t you agree that as long as you put your head down and maintained your standards… It’d be unreasonable for you to not achieve your goal?
New comment Jan 5
3 likes • Jan 2
I agree with all of this! We are very like minded. I have caused myself some huge hurdles to overcome as far as finances and family relationships. I couldn’t find the right help when I had the money to really have a shot at trading. Actually I still have a shot as I have gained knowledge about loosing money and handling this mindset. I’m starting to get most trades right at this point in the stock market. I’m using think or swim as my platform with very little capital and it’s very slow going. I guess I’m just trying to say I’m really happy to be part of this community and wish I had found it much sooner. Don’t take my lack of involvement as that I’m not interested. I’m just repairing somethings right now. Thanks for personally reaching out.
Market Update: How to Trade a FOMO Market
Just posted this week's Market update on YouTube revisiting last week's plan. Let me know what you think after watching it 🫡
New comment Dec '23
Market Update: How to Trade a FOMO Market
3 likes • Dec '23
Helpful advice. Yes please keep doing this.
Introducing myself to the community!
Introducing myself Hey guys, my name is Brian Richards , I’m 41 years old, staying in Utah. I’m working as a CNC Machinist while learning how to rock the crypto market as a trader. I love to be in the outdoors. I am a dedicated outdoors man who can hunt and fish everything North America has to offer. My backstory is short and painful with gains at first fallowed by mostly loses. I’m officially a non profit trader at this point. I have been able to turnover a new leaf when I have been down in other areas of my life. So here’s to keeping that going. Actually I’m starting a business on Skool and was checking out the website and here I am. Well hunting and fishing are fun until the work starts. While rewarding as the work is I don’t call it fun. So for fun I ride dirt bikes and take part in shooting competitions. Lastly... I promise to commit 3-4 hours per week for the next month to learning this skill that will change my life. I will be a winner. Let’s get it.”
New comment Jan 2
2 likes • Nov '23
@Melanie Govender Thanks Melanie! I have a aunt that shares your name. lol just a little tid bit.
2 likes • Nov '23
@Tomasz Wyszynski Thanks! I appreciate all the support. I’ll be asking many questions I’m sure. 🫨
Looking to kill it!
Hey guys, my name is David, 59 years old, living in South Africa and working/studying full-time as a trader (after losing my small manufacturing business due to Covid mainly). I’ve been at this for the last 3 years but have not yet managed to become profitable. The last 6 months I’ve been learning ICT concepts. I’ve been interested in Crypto since 2018. After chatting to AOC he was kind enough to send me an invite to Trading Accelerator. I don’t have the finances to join the paid groups and need to make some serious changes to start generating an income as our savings are now almost depIeted. I hope to get to the stage where I can financially help my family and some struggling friends. And lastly… I promise to commit 6-10 hours per day for as long as it takes to learning this skill that will change my life. I will be a winner! I will not give up! Let’s do this!
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
Hey David I just started as well. Manufacturing huh? That’s what I do for rent money as of now. Maybe we can change that?
1 like • Nov '23
@Dorian Castiglione I’m definitely full in! Well I have been since the beginning but bad decisions of what I did with my learning money has ultimately slow down my ability to move forward.
1-8 of 8
Brian Richards
35points to level up
Hi everyone I have been busy with the many hunts I had this year. All done with those time consuming trips and ready to jump in.

Active 14d ago
Joined Nov 24, 2023
Eden, Utah
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