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The Legacy League

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Here you get the truth. Uncensored. About Law, business, economics, policy and courts. I'll show you how to build a billion dollar biz in a year Value


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12 contributions to The Legacy League
Court Secrets Everyone Needs to Know!
State courts are a commerce regulative entity and were never really meant to regulate the American State Citizen like they are currently doing, and it was to monetize off of them in every aspect they could get away with. At the end of World War 1 our country was starving for money and with the war and knowing that if people had their family buried on their property, they were exempt from the ability to tax their property due to this but after world war 1 they implemented state and federal land tax and had allocated land specifically for "the soldiers coming back from war perished" that was their excuse. This was actually to have a reason to tax people property. Now people don't know this but the laws haven't directly changed on this matter. Therefor, if you happen to have a loved one or a family member buried on your property then you cannot be taxed on your property. Just Stay Tuned and Invite your Friends I am only getting started.
Court Secrets Everyone Needs to Know!
Govt. Secrets! Did you know that.....
The corporation of America have been infringing on your rights throughout every branch of the Gov. and you likely are completely unaware of this. You may have heard that we have a secret government account made from our birth certificate and the rumors are true. Your Birth Certificate is a bond Certificate, and your Social Security Number is your "EIN Number and account". There are ways you can even look up your account online and see this for yourself in your name even. See the truth is that every time anything big happens in your life it is documented. It is documented not so you can keep track of your things but so they can document your status of health and life because everything major that happens in your life the "Elite" have a new insurance life policy put on you. Every time. This turns into a colossal amount of money if you make it to old age and then when you die the Government cashes in and your family takes care of the expenses and most likely any hospital bills etc. If you thought that compounding taxation on the same dollar over and over was putting massive money in their pockets this insurance fraud scheme, they have been doing has been colossal compared to anything else. This is all information that a congressman had given me just the other night. So this is not only taxation fraud on many levels but now there's is massive insurance fraud. Wait till you hear the next truth.
1 member has voted
Govt. Secrets! Did you know that.....
Quote of the Day
" Success often lies in the steps that we often aren't willing or are too afraid to take." ~Charles Morey~
Quote of the Day
The Ultimate Busines Ebook Library Set Perk and Rental
I have built one of the largest business e-book Libraries of all the best ones. I am offering this library for our optional annual payment. If you are a member of this library and you want a certain e-book, I will likely have it at an 84% chance. Just reach out and let me know which one you want. If you would like to check out a business e-book you can donate a dollar to my link with a message of the book or books you want, and I will swiftly respond with your request. Here are some of the books you can expect to find in my library......Here are 25 of the top business eBooks that have made a significant impact on entrepreneurs and business leaders alike: “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries, “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel, “Good to Great” by Jim Collins, “The Innovator’s Dilemma” by Clayton M. Christensen, “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, “The Hard Thing About Hard Things” by Ben Horowitz, “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek, “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss, “Blue Ocean Strategy” by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, “The E-Myth Revisited” by Michael E. Gerber, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki, “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham, “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg, “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight, “Drive” by Daniel H. Pink, “Crushing It!” by Gary Vaynerchuk, “Measure What Matters” by John Doerr, “Principles” by Ray Dalio, “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu, “The One Minute Manager” by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, “Built to Last” by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey, “Getting Things Done” by David Allen, and “The Lean Product Playbook” by Dan Olsen. All the proceeds of these e-books and this platform go towards the protection of your civil rights and the bridging of the trust gap within Law enforcement and the community.
2 members have voted
The Ultimate Busines Ebook Library Set Perk and Rental
Manifestation Techniques: A Personal Journey from Poverty to a Multi-Billionaire Visionary in a Year
Unlocking the Power of the Mind What if the life you experience is not merely the result of external circumstances but a direct reflection of your inner thoughts, beliefs, and expectations? This question lies at the core of manifestation techniques, which posit that our thoughts and emotions actively shape the reality around us. While this idea has been a cornerstone of spiritual and philosophical teachings for centuries, it’s now being supported by a growing body of scientific research. Techniques like affirmations, self-hypnosis, binaural beats, and living as if your desired outcome has already been achieved are not merely motivational tools—they tap into the very mechanics of how the mind, body, and the universe interact to co-create our experiences. In my own life, these principles were not just theoretical; they were the lifeline I needed to pull myself out of an environment that most people never escape. Coming from one of the most dangerous and violent places in the United States—a place where corruption is rampant, and the medical system traps many in cycles of addiction and poverty—I was faced with a decision that would change everything. I could stay and accept the fate that had been dealt to me, or I could risk my life and rise beyond the limits that had been imposed on me since birth. Today, as a five-time patent-pending inventor, endorsed by Kevin Harrington and projected to become a multi-billionaire, I’ve not only changed the course of my life but solved a problem that has plagued the U.S. and 15 other countries for decades. This transformation was no accident—it was the direct result of using manifestation techniques to align my inner beliefs with my external goals. What follows is not just the science behind these techniques but how they can be applied to create monumental, life-altering change. Affirmations and Neuroplasticity: Rewiring the Brain for Success Affirmations, or the repetition of positive statements, were a key factor in shifting my mindset from one of limitation to one of boundless potential. Growing up in an environment where violence, corruption, and despair were the norm, it would have been easy to believe that this was all life had to offer. But through consistent affirmations, I began to rewire my brain to think differently. The science behind affirmations is rooted in neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections.
New comment 2d ago
Manifestation Techniques: A Personal Journey from Poverty to a Multi-Billionaire Visionary in a Year
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@Amy Wright Right? Thanks for noticing
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Charles Morey
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Founded some patent pending tech solutions to global problems. Recently accepted to Forbes Technology Counsel. Starting a community to spread my info.

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Joined Sep 28, 2024
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