what does it take ? well !!! lots of practice to say the least https://www.canva.com/design/DAGWGHCQyqM/w5P56weZYIbjq1nUb2kbtw/watch?utm_content=DAGWGHCQyqM&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel
because I'd rather have a product then not !!! 15 HOURS LATER A FULL EBOOK COURSE WITH BONUS MATERIAL READY FOR PURCHASE !!! https://stan.store/SkillShift/p/protect-your-online-rep-digital-ebook-course
Course Introduction - Online reputation !!! If the Digital Content is the new currency !!! Monitoring and taking control of your reputation online is critical for running any business
working in learning and development for over two decades one thing i know is how to train material !! with PLR material it allows you to turn your message into a quick turnkey product!! think of it like this, we can focus ob your message, customer and value and craft a sinple product around you !! thats what we do here at skillshit we find ways to shift our current 9-5 skills into the digital land scape !! protecting your online rep a.k.a. digital footprint is key !! it only takes one post to go viral !!