Bio: Personal trainer, health&life coach, boutique fitness owner. Mom of 6. Love the outdoors, being fit, and challenging myself to be better everyday.
Bio: Shine Sound Therapy grew out of my experience with sound healing. Challenges living with panic attacks left me unsure of how to get to the root cause.
Bio: Psychotherapist and empowerment advocate dedicated to helping women break free from the effects of emotional abuse and step into their true potential
Bio: Yoga teacher, dance therapist and hypnotherapist. Trying to start an online way to work with people on a 1:1 basis. From Mexico, living in Norway.
Bio: The wounds from my father at 15, were confronted; most family abandoned me. Despite struggles from a 2004 accident, I persisted and continue to do so.
Bio: I empower women who have lost their identity and spark to reconnect with who they were designed to be to experience joy, peace, purpose, and light.
Bio: On a mission to certify 20,000 Menopause Coaches & Mentors in the next decade to add to the 200,000 people trained on the Menopause The Basics course
Bio: Functional Nutrition and Intuitive Life Coach helping men and women in their 30s through 50s or beyond regain balance and control of their health.