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Positively Disciplined

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19 contributions to Positively Disciplined
Good little read!
New comment May 20
Good little read!
1 like • May 14
I love this. Growth comes from discomfort. If you’re uncomfortable, you’re growing!
Day 75 - Final Day - Some thoughts
Hey Guys, Today is day 75 for me and it is a bitter sweet ending. I thought I'd share a few thoughts as I close 75 Hard out. This has been one of the hardest things I have committed to in a long time and being stretched physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually was deeply needed. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for a cheeseburger tomorrow, but I think I'm going to miss having to check those boxes each day. I'll certainly be taking a few of them with me as I move forward. I'll break down my experiences on each daily required task below and then some final closing thoughts. Reading: I've read more in the last 75 days than I have in the last 10 years. That has been one of the coolest and thought provoking experiences. I've knocked out 5 books, a few that I will revisit, and am on my 6th now. Reading has provided a space for me to slow down, be alone with my thoughts and alone with myself. It's also encouraged me to pick up journaling, which has served as the ultimate way to wind down before bed. Working Out 2x/Day: This has been the most fun and most annoying part of the challenge. A lot of times it was more than two 45 minute workouts. The time it takes to get to the gym, do your workouts, come home and clean up, really took a ton of time and planning. The worst days were when I've had to travel for work. I'd find myself getting off a plane at 10pm, rushing home just to get a jog or a fast walk in to close out the day. Personally, this one took the most sacrifice on my end because of the time it took up. I am happy to say that I'm now running up to 8 miles again, faster than I've been in a long time, muay sessions feel great and down about 13 lbs from when I started. Big shout out to Coach Alex! Wouldn't have been able to get through these workouts with you and the other coaches. Diet/No Cheat Meals/No Alcohol: Dieting has always been tough for me because I've never had a real reason to do it. I've always been lean and my regular activity keeps me in decent enough shape. I purposely chose a diet that would allow me to go to a work lunch or dinner and get sushi, a grilled chicken salad, or something like that. This part of the challenge has been one of the best changes for my household. We meal prep breakfast and lunch each Sunday and then cook 3-4 dinners/ week throughout the week for the most part. This ensures I'm getting enough calories throughout the day and it takes such a mental load off of me just knowing it is already done. Because of the meal prepping, we are eating better food and are saving a noticeable amount of money by not eating out. This is definitely something I will take with me beyond the challenge. Regarding alcohol, I rarely miss it. I’m definitely going to open a nice bottle of wine tomorrow, but I could honestly never think of it again and it wouldn’t change my daily life.
New comment May 3
What books are yall reading now?
I’m about to wrap up my 3rd book, didn’t realize how much I like reading! I’ve always been a fan of The Daily Stoic/ Ryan Holiday so I’ve gone down his rabbit hole on books. What about yall?
New comment May 30
How many of yall are still doing 75?
How many of yall are still in the program and what day are you on? Or what day did you fail on and what was it that you failed on? Don’t feel bad if you failed. I’d say the majority of the guys that started have. It’s not called 75 Hard for no reason haha Is there anyone that could use help with anything diet or exercise related? In here to help. Even if you just need someone to talk to. Feel free to dm me here or leave a comment!
New comment Mar 26
2 likes • Mar 26
I’m here baby! About to complete day 40. Full disclosure, I intentionally did not do a macros based diet so I could be slightly more liberal with food, but 10lbs down and cardio is up big time. On my 3rd book now too!! This is the most I’ve ever read besides textbooks.
0 likes • Mar 26
@Drew Haas that’s legit tho and going to make such a difference. That’s how you create real change.
Rain Tomorrow - Outdoor Workout Planning
May want to get your outdoor workouts done early AM tomorrow. Looks like rain in Austin around 9am.
1-10 of 19
Clint Buckley
28points to level up
Staffing Program Manager in GovCon 🏛️🤝by day, Outdoor Enthusiast with a passion for field to fork cooking any other time. 🏹 👨‍🍳🎣

Active 124d ago
Joined Feb 7, 2024
Austin, TX
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