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Nomad School

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Faceless Creators

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Conscious Business Accelerator

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High Vibe Tribe

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41 contributions to Nomad School
Becoming a digital nomad
Hi guys I'm an italian guy of 23 years old. I dream of becoming a digital nomad. I'm creative (right part of the brain). What do you recommend me to do to get there as fast as possible and doing something I would enjoy? Thanks a lot.
New comment Apr 28
1 like • Apr 28
@Adam Jones excellent response!
Been kinda of ......out of it!!
Haven't been as active on here of late, last week the old bones and body decided to have a heart attack! I am ok, have been in hospital for a week, but back in the apartment resting up after a couple of stents were inserted into the old ticker. The day it happened, was a lovely day, nice and bright and sunny, had a great seafood lunch, went for a walk around a temple and on the way back felt like crap. Went to hospital had an ECG (but no blood test, big mistake) went home, feeling better, decided to return the next day for blood tests (elevated Tropinin levels) to be admitted to the cardiology ward. The following day on the operating table! Morals of the story? Well first of all look after yourself and get checked up regularly! Ensure you have adequate insurance in place, the school I am working for part time, has insurance, the claim is in, I am waiting to hear back. The initial outlay I had to cover. For the hospital stay, drugs, food, bed, and treatment including the stent procedure (not recommended!) came to £3400. Now in rest and recoup mode for a while, although I feel pretty good now, everyone is screaming "rest"! The silver lining is that it has made me sit up and smell the roses, knowing that, although my employer is being super good, I would be concerned on extending contracts for someone who just went through what I have. So the focus is now firmly set on speeding up (whilst not increasing stress levels) the step to having the online shop for my products, plus searching for high end students for one to ones online.
New comment Feb 8
Been kinda of ......out of it!!
2 likes • Dec '23
Wow. Speedy recovery.
What you missed... (Mindset Mastery 22nd October)
Last night's Mindset Mastery call replay is now available, along with all previous calls, inside the classroom. To make life easier, there are skippable timestamps so you can jump to the topics that matter most to you. Here's a quick rundown of the ground covered: - Importance of prioritising mindset. - Significance of a productive morning routine. - Challenges with sleep patterns affecting productivity. - Insights into a trader's daily routine and the need for adaptability. - Transition from traditional employment to remote work. - Mental toll of social isolation in remote work. - Maintaining a social life while working remotely. - Client communication across different time zones. - Transitioning from a physical therapist role to remote work in copywriting and video editing. - Building an audience before launching a product. - Short-form vs. long-form content on YouTube. - 'Brain dump' as a starting point for content creation. - Not focusing on monetisation initially. - Networking challenges due to location and time zones. - Mental barriers and mindset issues. - Value of community and peer feedback. - Lifestyle changes towards minimalism. - Productivity strategies to stay focused. - Cultural differences and missing social interactions. Not a Pro Member yet? You can get access here
New comment Oct '23
What you missed... (Mindset Mastery 22nd October)
1 like • Oct '23
Sorry couldn’t make this one. I was fixing an airplane. 😂 I’ll check out the replay.
Here's the PROBLEM with Westerners Coming to Thailand
Just saw a Western couple walking their Dalmatian up a Thai street, and it got me thinking... Why do so many expats move to Thailand only to live in a bubble? They rent big houses, buy cars, and even import their cats and dogs. Once they're here, they don't bother to learn the language and exist in this sort bubble, completely detached from Thai society. They're literally here just for the low cost of living... ...and I'm surprised the Thais put up with it. These people think and act as if they're still in the United States. They bring their rude behaviour and expect the Thais to adapt to their cultural norms. They're so clueless that they don't even process that this is an entirely different culture and that they are looked upon like complete fucking weirdos. Then they have the nerve to complain about how they feel outcast and want to know why the Thai people won't grant them easy access to citizenship, etc. Truth be told, they have zero fucking interest in becoming Thai; all they're thinking is 'save money, save money, save money. Ponce, ponce, ponce. It's quite sickening really. These two cultures are vastly different in almost every single way and this isn't just annoying... It's a problem. It affects everyone who has made an effort to integrate, those who have married into Thai society, had families, etc. Because every foreigner gets lumped in with these leeches. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
New comment Jul 15
Here's the PROBLEM with Westerners Coming to Thailand
1 like • Oct '23
@Brett Dev another big concern is when foreigners come in buying housing, the tendency is to drive housing prices up which prices locals out of the market. It happened in many places. I only hope Thailand can keep control over it because that could be a real problem.
1 like • Oct '23
@Brett Dev we can’t own the land. We can own the home but not the land so we have to lease the land. But my wife is Thai citizen so she can and does.
The day I glued my phone number to hundreds of cars 😳
I was just in the process of writing an email when a funny story came to mind so I thought I’d share it… It’s both hilarious and a bit of a cautionary tale. When I was 18, my mate and I thought we were on to something big. We decided to start a web design company. Coding? Nope, we didn't know the first thing about it. But we were wizards with Photoshop and Microsoft FrontPage. Does anyone else remember the good old days of using the slice tool and exporting the HTML and images? Armed with our limited knowledge and a lot of enthusiasm, we thought, "How hard could marketing be?" We decided to print 500 flyers advertising our web design services. They arrived, and we were buzzing. Ready to get our first clients, we had the brilliant idea to put these flyers on car windscreens. Yes 😑 Car windscreens. 😆 Fast forward a few hours, and my mum gets a phone call. We sprint to the kitchen, hearts pounding, thinking this is it—our first client. She picks up the phone, and her face goes pale. She hangs up and turns to us. "Lads, that guy on the phone just went mental. Your flyers have stuck to his windscreen because of the rain. They won't come off." Yep. We had essentially glued our website and phone number to windshields of every car up and down about five different streets. So, what's the moral of the story? Well... don't put flyers on car windscreens. Now it's your turn. Ever made a blunder like this in your early business ventures? Do share, we could all use a good laugh.
New comment Oct '23
The day I glued my phone number to hundreds of cars 😳
0 likes • Oct '23
@Ian Smith 😂 that would be a rough lesson 😂
1-10 of 41
Dane Gorman
33points to level up
I’m Dane from Florida. I’m a digital marketer and working towards total personal, location, time and financial freedom. I love to learn and apply!

Active 1d ago
Joined Jul 6, 2023
Jacksonville, Florida
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