They observe me, guide me, describe me and I obtain. It's simple we work together; I am a free bird like the wind and surprising like the fortune cookie. You never know what has, but you know it won't be more of the same. It is the rebirth, they think that I copied words from a script, but it is that from a script a union walks, from a call its soldiers accommodate themselves and only the brave and resistant survive. Some take a little longer, some a little, and some a little less. But no one said that the stories would feel the same, because they don't have to be the same. If I say the sentence is fulfilled, the sentence is mine and I will decide by my own voice. According to some, it is said that breaking sentences or family environments would not be easy. Breaking everything I do not desire and for what I love in flesh and fire. I do not fear for my being, I fear for those who watch over my being. The path that I want to offer you, my sacrifice that will one day pay and for the fight of a mother who will never give up. Some proud children’s, who at their side will walk along a path that I will fight for good and face evil. I've been trying to break circles for a while; While I feel myself repeating them, I get tangled in my skin, I get lost in my being. Discovering that I was everything I didn't want to be; little by little becoming the one I had to fear the most. I couldn't handle the agony of my being screaming everywhere. Confronting memories of the past my reality is different; But it feels so the same, it's a circle of repetitions in which my being hurts and my being hurts over and over again. Crying for a day to feel what I longed for, running for what I always dreamed of and never wanted to have. A love story so beautiful that it became the disaster of my being. A horror that she paints so beautifully with a small brush; looking for the beauty, remembered and I couldn't take it anymore. I surrendered, I fought against everything and everyone; until I lose my being. I couldn't lose the only thing I must protect; my creatures. Today I live in sadness for something that I had no control over, and was it my fault, but it is just an explanation that I gave myself to calm my being; because it hurts to understand that you have control and choose to stay.