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Real Security Heretics

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7 contributions to Real Security Heretics
What do you need?
Here's a quick poll. What do you currently think that you need to learn or improve on to develop the next stage of your career?
21 members have voted
New comment Jul '23
2 likes • Jul '23
Bit of all of these for me - though perhaps not so much the tech. Bit of a cheat as I already know where I'm going with this. Big focus on personal development over the coming months..
Have you ever had this?
Ever attended a security course and sat there thinking to yourself...'I've heard all this before.' Ever walked out of an exam with the feeling that 'none of that really makes any difference?' Ever got your cert renewal and debated just shitcanning it? Ever blagged your CPEs just to get over the line but never really learned anything new? Ever felt frustrated that the things you feel you need in your job aren't being taught? Ever had an instructor who couldn't answer questions and just pointed to the slides or book and said 'if it's not in there, don't worry about it?' Yeah, I reckon. Ever considered taking a different approach to this security lark? Or is this just 'the way it is' ?
New comment Jul '23
2 likes • Jun '23
I've had a CISSP for a few years. Haven't checked my CPEs for a while, so probably in danger of losing it! Recent reading and conversations like this one are a good opportunity to ask myself whether it's worth continuing with it? I certainly don't benefit from it anymore. Sure, perhaps it was a way of getting my foot in the door once. But after that the certification body milks me for the annual renewal fee, and with a clean conscience my employer gets to tick a box on a customer proposal or assurance statement to the effect that they have 'qualified' security personnel. It is no measure of whether or not I can do a job as a security leader as these skills simply aren't taught as part of the programme. Definitely time for a change..
How to do business
Surgery Shorts are quick videos, lessons and other content that I create for my Surgery subscribers. This one is invaluable for anyone who wants to work for themselves and avoid shitty prospects. It explains why I rejected a prospect yesterday and roasted them on LinkedIn.
New comment Jun '23
How to do business
1 like • Jun '23
Some really useful insights here @Rich Diston - thanks for sharing!
Morning,fellow heretics!
These Friday things sure do roll around fast. Thank God for that. So...tell me something about security that you learned this week. It can be something about a theory, a specific area of practice or the industry. OR Tell me about some progress that you made towards a career goal. Let's go.
New comment Jul '23
2 likes • Jun '23
I was going to be really negative and say it's been a crappy week and I've made little progress. But actually, in the last couple of weeks: I've found an amazing coach, and I've met you lot. So, what could be better? Lots to learn - always. Onwards and upwards!!
Your biggest career concerns
Which of the following is the biggest concern for you in your career?
28 members have voted
New comment Jul '23
1 like • Jun '23
@Duncan Proffitt LOL - not quite - but often tempted! I think messaging is hugely important and definitely a skill I need to work on. And to answer your question, I think it's a bit of both. There is another thread on here that talks about fear-based messaging. There is the tendency to stick to the fear script because that is what boards are generally expecting. I think there is also the "so what" part, in the sense that boards are happy to keep kicking the can down the road if nothing that we caution about ends up being the reality..
0 likes • Jun '23
@Phillipe McCracken interested in your concept of privacy as a strategic enabler and messaging. I assume then that your experience is that privacy is seen as a cost to the business, in a similar way to security that @Rich Diston discussed in the book?
1-7 of 7
David Christian
6points to level up
Old security practitioner - new heretic...

Active 68d ago
Joined Jun 16, 2023
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