DEAL CLOSED - ($15k profit per month deal)
Purchase Agreement has just been sold on a business i have been working with over the last couple of months. Now without giving away the goose, i thought I would explain the deal that's just been closed. The seller had a fully drop shipped business (supplier to customer) for sale which was 4 years old, this business has been doing some pretty incredible numbers and clearing $15k profit per month consistently. Anyone could take this over with the right systemised acquisition! This is what the deal structure looked like! $120k deposit (paid on closing) $7000 seller finance paid per month until we hear there $320k asking price) The buyer has no previous Ecom experience but he has put together a LEAN and effective team (with a little help from myself). This is a great move because I noticed when meeting the seller she was doing everything herself (including marketing). She was doing this all in her spare time, meaning she constantly didn't have her eyes on the ball. She would send an email when she remembered and update the meta ads when she had 5 mins. Now yes this is very good, but imagine having a structure where you have a full time ad buyer and email team take that good work and SCALE IT! (I have connections which can install this for a really great price). This brand has so many hidden treasures, just by selling in different territories, by expanding product range ( they have access to a factory already developing products for them) Best of luck to the new owner Now onto the next deal!