Bio: 9 figure sales expert,Rule Breaker and out of the box thinker at The Professional Rule Breaker. I show entrepreneurs to sell more & love what they do.
Bio: Serving Business Leaders who are facing increasing pressure to reverse stubborn negative revenue trends. Creator of the Revenue Turning Point System.
Bio: I am a professional digital marketer specialize in crafting a top notch website, creating a converting Funnels, Converting Landing page & many more
Bio: Lawyer by education, copywriter by formation, adman by vocation, Bogdan runs The Adchemists & Miezoo Concepts, his branding & creative one-stop shops.
Bio: golf ski work 70.3ironman CPA MBA. If Google is the highway, Adele is driving it the SHE WAY in her white GLC Coupe Mercedes. Adele podcast APP brand