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Inspired Efforts Community

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7 contributions to Inspired Efforts Community
Story Selling!
“Story Selling Secrets” module #3 provides not only a funny story that maybe embarrassing, but something we’ve all gone through. Empathy through story telling is such a great way to capture an audience.
Real Fucking Selling Book (My First E-Book)
Wanted to give you a FREE copy of my book Real Fucking Selling for free for being a member of this group. Appreciate you for joining! More to come.
New comment Apr 3
Real Fucking Selling Book (My First E-Book)
1 like • Apr 3
Dude I love it! How long did it take you to get this done? I’m printing it out as I enjoy reading physical copies of books.
0 likes • Apr 3
@Aj Lewis bro…. I will fuckin pay you to do mine. I like the layout.
1 like • Mar 18
Universal law of giving and receiving. The example of an open and closed hand is what can be seen very clearly in today’s world. Independence and thinking of just one’s self is cool and all. More powerful with collective thought and being of service to others.
1 like • Mar 18
Love your stories man!
1 like • Mar 12
The beginning sounds like what I was/am running into. Which then manifests into an issue to making money. What was difficult at the time was, "How do I connect with an individual face-value at the beginning of a sale?" I am confident with the middle and ending of my services, what is challenging is the sales. What I've learned from your other videos is first, "Stories Sell!" How will I utilize this measure? Using empathy and be relatable in the genuine sense. There is a speaker by the name of Neal Katyal creating a term "Persuasive Empathy" in which influencing a person takes an understanding of the persons' needs, wants, desires, and fears. This connects you to the person with better rapport and trust. I like when he also states, "Confidence is a killer of persuasion" and to build a relation takes empathy.
What is useful boils down to attitute.
There are experts in the last two years or so, stating exercising or workout is a "terrible" way to lose weight. Some of these individuals I would like to ask, "has there been a time being overweight or obese been an issue for you?" Respectably. I know for myself and for those around me in the last 20-25 years, exercise has helped tremendously in dropping weight and reducing body fat. Nutrition is very important as well. However, those in nutrition will throw arbitrary numbers around about how, "it's 90-95% nutrition and only 5-10% working out!" Sure, this mantra might be advantageous for me since being in the field of nutrition. If you're focusing on weight-loss or body-fat loss, exercising has the ability to create muscles or to help maintain what you already have. It is absolutely crucial for us men to try to maintain as much as we have as we age. Your body will be more highly metabolic, it will provide you with vigor, and more wiggle room to eat. If you solely concentrate on food, what are the chances it might be more restrictive?
New comment Mar 8
1-7 of 7
Duy Tran
11points to level up
Nutritionist from CSUSB and Chef. Weight-loss is my specialty. Specifically body-fat loss and the biochemistry behind what we do on a daily basis.

Active 142d ago
Joined Feb 22, 2024
Norman, Oklahoma
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