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InvestCEO with Kyle Henris

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236 contributions to InvestCEO with Kyle Henris
Passed my EA due to a lucky fluke!
So I had to run an errand real quick, so I set a limit trade before I left just in case price dropped into a demand zone $25 down. Well it did (just barely, as you can see), and for some reason, my take profit didn't activate or it happened so fast I'm not sure, but it ended up being about a $3,000 trade that put me at $53,600. The force was with me today lol
New comment 4h ago
Passed my EA due to a lucky fluke!
2 likes • 1d
@Logan Beeman at the end of the day, you passed the EA. So that's a good thing. Now time to be meticulous and focus on making real money 💰
0 likes • 4h
@Logan Beeman
Rate cut time! ✂️
Do you think the Fed… A) Cut too much B) Cut too little C) Got it just right
New comment 50m ago
Rate cut time! ✂️
1 like • 8h
@Glenn Ingraham perhaps Powell is giving a big FU to Trump. Trump came out in an interview on Bloomberg and stated the Fed had better not cut rates until the New Year (After the election). Powells response was that he had been through three sitting president's already, and the president's do not influence his decisions.
0 likes • 4h
@Glenn Ingraham the on ly thing in the markets that I know for sure is that I don't know what will happen, I can only speculate.
Why does it seem like every day is a “News Day”?
I’ve tried searching, but not really finding a clear answer. According to the Market Watch Economic Calendar, almost every day is a news day. Surely we don’t take ALL of those days off. How do you weed through what is significant, and what is not? Thanks
New comment 9h ago
2 likes • 9h
Because every day is a new day. The thing that really matters are high impact news days which are only several times a month, the rest of the data releases are low impact, and medium impact. Don't just look at the news releases, look at how they are classified as far as impact, and stay clear of the high impact, be cautious around medium impact, and don't bat an eye at low impact.
Update & Best Practices Qs
After joining the $1M club, it's been helpful to see how I've grown in process...and have still a lot of room to grow! In one area, I can see my general impatience of waiting for trades to hit zones and not wanting to enter at least one trade during the day (I have another strategy on much shorter time frames that I will occasionally pursue). Instead of just tying my hands behind my back to not force a trade, I will embrace this and look at this strategy in more markets other than ES. (Thoughts welcome on that hypothesis!). In so doing, it's brought up more small process problems with best practices that I'd appreciate others feedback on - feel free to also ask if you have a question of your own, we are all in this together!. I'll put my hypothesis with each of these answers since I don't like asking questions before trying to figure it out myself. - Programs: Ninjatrader (put in orders with entry, SL, PT - I'm comfortable with this program), TradingView (new for me, so much easier to chart!), Tradovate (to watch trailing threshold properly - seems that NT8 and TV don't always get this right), Rithmic (for trailing threshold). - Brokers: Tradovate (primary, for long-term copier usage), Rithmic (secondary) - Accounts: Apex (I've done $250k vs $50k for now, but that's only because I'm willing to take on more risk with current promotions in hopes of greater future flexibility with capital and contracts). Will eventually consider TopStep - anybody want to tell me who is greater than Apex? - Data Plans: Since CME data comes with every Apex plan, I can do that for all necessary live data with my prop accounts (not doing personal accounts yet). But with intraday bar replay and backtesting/practicing other markets using previous contracts, I guess you can't use free version of TV. I've found it's best to use TV and get Essential plan (is that right?) and buy it month to month until I can buy the yearly rate at the best possible promotion during Black Friday. Any better thoughts there? - Newer Markets to Consider: Even though I like the more volatile markets, I like the stability of more efficient markets like ES. So I'm thinking CL, then NQ, then GC, then RTY? All the way to BTC ha. - Indicators: fractals, zones (I admit, I have to get updated on the latest buzz that I've heard there's an indicator that will draw zones?), EMA (4,9,21 - that's stuff I use) - Best Timeframes: NY 8:30-12 (where the majority of reversals if they happen go on at 10:30-11, I call them "lunch reversals" where the big whigs like to look active while going out to eat ha).
New comment 22h ago
Update & Best Practices Qs
2 likes • 2d
I use volume, volume profile, and footprint. The only indicator I use is VWAP. Price action is my primary decision maker, volume is secondary to spot anomalies in the relation to the volume and price action in the candle. Volume profile to spot zones of higher activity, and then footprint to analyze the matching of order flow going on inside the candles. VWAP I use usually in weekly setting on the 1 hour chart to see where fair value has been, and where it's going. I trade primarily NQ and GC, but also dabble in ES, NKD, 6A, 6E and 6J depending on the market session I am trading. I do Rithmic for the broker, place the trades through Ninja Trader, and only use trading view for technical analysis. Had Tradeovate before, but I much prefer Rithmic, Tradeovate is a resource hog, and pointless when I have Ninja and Tradingview open. Right now have four 50k PAs that I trade on the Apex Ninka Copier. Had 10 PAs at one point, but got cocky, and overconfident and blew up six of my ten. Sticking with just four for now, not giving Apex any more money until I see consistent payouts on the 4 I already have. Lastly, Atl is my home tome, go Falcons, and love me some UGA Dawgs!
2 likes • 23h
@Eric Corrick I don't know yet, I haven't had enough personal experience yet to form an oppinion. What I'm saying is I'm not passing any more EAs and paying $145 a pop to activate then until I prove to myself beyond a reasonable doubt that I can get consistent payout from them. Gonna keep working my 4 until I am satisfied that I won't have any issues with them on a long timeline. I can easily pass 16 EAs and activate them to max out at 20, but I'm not willing to pay the $2320 to activate those 16 accounts without more money from Apex first in my bank account. One payout doesn't cut it, I want lots of payouts before I go full steam and activate 20 accounts. I don't just want proof in my bank account from Apex, I want proof from myself that I can keep myself consistent as well.
Contracts roll Monday Sept 16th on indexes
Don't forget, contracts for ES, NQ and YM roll on Monday
New comment 1d ago
2 likes • 1d
@Logan Matter when someone buys a futures contract and holds it to expiration they are agreeing to take delivery of that product or cash value at expiration. Indexes are settled in cash, things like oil and gold you are actually buying real oil and gold at the price you secured when you bought the futures contract. Oil futures for instance is an agreement to buy real barrels of oil at expiration if you hold the contract. The September contract expired. So if you still had a futures contract you could either settle it and take delivery, or you can roll to the next contract which ends in December. What that means for those of us that never intend to settle and are just trying to make a quick buck is that we will no longer trade in the September contract, and we will move to the December contract to trade on.
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Dylan Coombs
782points to level up
Been trading for 6 years now. Mostly 0DTE options on SPY and QQQ. Big fan of Richard D Wycoff and volume spread analysis.

Active 1h ago
Joined Feb 10, 2024
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