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Freedom Academy

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4 contributions to Freedom Academy
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
As mentioned in the modules, the recovery journal is a very effective way to go on the offensive with your recovery. Up to this point, you have been reacting to urges, intrusive thoughts, and fantasies. Now it is time to go on the offensive! So here is how you can use this journal to maximize success: (I will know if you don't use this) Daily Entry: You can do one or both of these entries for your daily... 1) Talk about benefits, vision, or the "why" for that day. This can keep you mindful of why you want to get over your sexual vices, especially early on. You can even do the opposite, even though I personally don't use this one very often. So you can talk about what your life would be like if you were to continue to act out with porn, masturbation, or sex workers. 2) You can plan for you day in terms of recovery... Are you anticipating a stressful day? Plan on how you will deal with the stress when it comes up so you can ensure that you don't use a sexual outlet instead. Expecting down time? Create a plan... Use this entry to plan for potential pain agents so you can deal with them properly. This is my favorite use of the recovery journal and something that I still use to this day! Reactive Entry: Use this entry when you find yourself dealing with an urge. WHY? Because you will have DATA. WHY did the urge come? WHERE were you? HOW did you react? WHAT can you do in the future? It can even stop you from acting out, especially if you were to talk about your "why". Retrospective Entry: This is done after any setbacks that you may experience... Most men try to forget the experience ASAP because they don't want to sit in the pain. However, there is so much important data they aren't considering like WHY? WHEN? What can I do better on in the future? The men that have the most success in recovery collect this data when a setback occurs. If you want success, you do these daily below...
New comment 8d ago
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
0 likes • 8d
@Kenzie Meyer congratulations on the progress u made. Definitely not easy u got my support on your decision. Glad to hear you are doing well.
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9/16/2024 Retrospective entry: I have been dooms scrolling on YouTube more often. I didn’t watch “films” nor visit massage parlours which is great. However the urges have been there. I get these flashbacks. What I have done was research what certain massages are but in reality it goes back to some things. I am slowly looking for escape. I’m looking for comfort and pleasure. Massages for me made me feel calm, wanted and in sometimes exhilarated. It was novelty many times as I didn’t know what to expect each time. But slowly I came to find out each time I’d be getting desensitized and eventually fall into getting happy endings. Which I’m trying to avoid and why I came on here. The pain agents I have are , loneliness, stress from work and not getting enough sleep and rest/relaxation. Massages alleviated this for me. And the “films” I’d get such a dopamine rush but then I self torture myself with guilt. I recently paid off my credit card and have another one to go. In order to do that I overwork. Yesterday I at work I feel like I did something that displayed my fatigue. It was a great reminder to dial it back. I haven’t been to Yoga due to injury or done my physio exercises because I have been off at 6:30 pm. The last two days. Before I head down the down the slippery slope I think it’s time I become intentional with my time. I’m exhausted, spent. I think just dedicating my time to watching a specific thing rather than scrolling on YouTube will be better. Before my shift I can probably go walk, see if I can say hi to someone at the mall or grocer or coffee shop. Appreciate my wife in small time I’m at home. And refresh in these ways. My workplace currently is hectic, burn out around me, grumpiness from people. I don’t want to be that “guy” I want to demonstrate calmness through the storm. And go home in peace. I have done better too in realizing that my coworkers are not my friends. Don’t look for connection there. This has allowed me to not feel as much pain at work compared to prior weeks.
Start the weekend with some motivation!
New comment 9d ago
Start the weekend with some motivation!
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Good video
Q/A Questions Dropbox
Every Sunday Afternoon I will be hosting a Live Q/A so make it if you can! Otherwise you can drop your questions below and I will answer them on the live recording! The recordings will be in the "content vault" section in the classroom
New comment 12d ago
2 likes • Aug 1
I’m not sure if this is regarding my sex drive or my frustration with my career and all the trauma I seen. But I am wondering why on my time off I feel so dam lazy. Lately frustrated too. I haven’t watched the “films” in days and looked at the massage websites in days. Should just sleep it off when I feel this tired and lazy feeling or go out and exercise. Sometimes that overwhelming too, and I opt for the walk outside.
Must Do! Module Homework
Comment below #dandelions to make the agreement to yourself and the community that you will do the work necessary to make changes in your life!
New comment Aug 1
0 likes • Aug 1
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61points to level up
Looking into obtaining a new career. Love sports and weights. I am really wanting to change my bad habit

Active 2d ago
Joined Jul 31, 2024
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