How do we keep going when we feel like we’re losing motivation?
I know there are many times while trying to create a new habit we start off really strong but after a couple weeks we just don’t have the motivation to keep going. What do we to keep the drive going? Here’s a few ways to keep things going. - make a long term goal. Having a goal to reach help give you a direction to move towards, without it, you’ll be wandering aimlessly and you’ll start to feel lost. - make small achievable goal within your bigger long term goal. Each time you reach these little mile stones, the satisfaction of hitting them keeps the drive going. - Dig deep and revisit your “WHY”. Sometimes you’ll just have to revisit and ask yourself, “why we are doing this in the first place?”, but dig deeper than just “I want to lose weight, to look good, to be healthy, etc.” but ask the “Why” a few more times. Ex. Reason 1 “Why do I want to loose the weight?” “Because _(reason 2)____.” “Why ___(reason 2)______?” “Because ____(reason 3)___.” “Why _____(reason 3)____.” “Because _____(reason 4)__” Keep asking that as many times as needed to reach the Big Why