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Testosterone Academy

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5 contributions to Testosterone Academy
Why You Should NEVER Ditch Egg Yolks
I had an interesting conversation yesterday. We were talking about food, eggs to be specific, and then he asked me if I ate the egg whites only. No. Never. Here's why you should eat your eggs WITH yolks 👇: 1. Nutrient Powerhouse: Yolks are packed with vitamins A, D, E, and K. Plus, they're loaded with minerals like iron and zinc. Egg whites? They're just chillin' with some protein. 🦸‍♂️ 2. Brain Food: Ever heard of choline? It's crucial for brain health, and guess what? Yolks are swimming in it! 🧠 3. Eye Love: Lutein and zeaxanthin in yolks are like sunglasses for your eyeballs. Protect those peepers! 👀 4. Protein Party: Yeah, whites have protein, but yolks bring some to the table too. Why not double the fun? 💪 5. Flavor Town: Let's be real, egg whites taste like sad, rubbery nothing. Yolks are where the party's at! 😋 So next time you're whipping up an omelet or scrambling some eggs, don't you dare reach for that carton of egg whites! Embrace the whole egg, my friends. Your taste buds (and your body) will thank you! 🙌 Who's with me? Drop a 🍳 in the comments if you're Team Whole Egg! And tell me, what's your favorite way to enjoy eggs?
New comment 2d ago
1 like • 2d
@Hidde Tijhuis Not daily, but I need to eat it more often. I do like eggs very much tho.
1 like • 2d
@Hidde Tijhuis I will start today🍳
Muscle Mass and Food Intake
Hey everyone, I wanted to share an interesting question. One of my 1-on-1 coaching clients asked me recently: "Can you eat more food if you have more muscle mass?" The short answer is yes, you can generally eat more food if you have more muscle mass. Here's why: 1. Higher Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Muscle tissue is metabolically active, meaning it burns more calories at rest compared to fat tissue. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your BMR, which means you burn more calories throughout the day. 2. Increased energy needs: More muscle mass requires more energy to maintain and fuel, especially if you're physically active or engaging in strength training. 3. Greater nutrient demands: Muscles need protein and other nutrients for repair and growth, which can increase your overall nutritional requirements. However, it's important to note that this doesn't mean you should eat excessively. The amount of additional food you can consume depends on various factors, including your activity level, goals (muscle gain, maintenance, or fat loss), and overall health. If you're interested in learning more about nutrition and how it relates to your fitness goals, feel free to reach out for personalized advice! Stay healthy, Hidde
New comment 6d ago
Muscle Mass and Food Intake
1 like • 6d
Thanks for the clear explanation 💪🏼
How are you doing?
How's your week going thusfar? Are you getting after your goals? Going to the gym? Eating right? Me personally, I've created a shit load of posts for socials. Trying to get people into this group.
New comment 9d ago
1 like • 9d
@Hidde Tijhuis My goal is to weigh 70 kilo.
1 like • 9d
@Hidde Tijhuis I just think I look better when I'm 70 KG. But I am already happy with myself
Wake Up, Slacker: Your Weekends Are Killing Your Dreams
Let's cut the crap. You know those big dreams you keep talking about? The ones you swear you'll get to "someday"? Well, guess what? They're dying a slow death every weekend you waste binge-watching Netflix and nursing a hangover. You think you deserve those 48 hours of mindless escape? Please. That's just what society wants you to believe so you'll stay complacent and keep buying crap you don't need. Wake up and smell the mediocrity. Your weekends aren't a gift. They're an opportunity you're squandering. While you're busy "relaxing" (read: scrolling social media and envying other people's lives), someone out there is hustling to achieve the very things you claim to want. Could be you but you're just a lazy fuck... How to Stop Being a Weekend Loser 1. Face your goals: Write them down. Put them somewhere you can't ignore. Let them stare you in the face and remind you of your failure to act. 2. Plan or perish: Your Friday self is weak. Don't let that idiot decide how to spend your weekend. Plan it on Thursday when you still remember your ambitions. 3. Start pathetically small: Can't handle more than an hour of productive work on a weekend? Fine. Do that. It's still infinitely better than zero. 4. Create a war room: Designate a space for work. Make it so boring that you have no choice but to focus on your goals. 5. Embrace the suck of early mornings: While your friends are sleeping off their bad decisions, you could be halfway to your goals before they even wake up. 6. Balance is for tightrope walkers: Sure, take some time off. Just know that every hour of "fun" is an hour you're not improving your life. 7. Face your failures: Sunday night, look at what you actually accomplished. Feel bad? Good. Use that feeling to do better next weekend. Let's say you waste 10 hours each weekend (and let's be honest, it's probably more). That's 520 hours a year. In five years, you've thrown away 2,600 hours. Imagine what you could have done with that time instead of rewatching "The Office" for the 17th time.
New comment 13d ago
Wake Up, Slacker: Your Weekends Are Killing Your Dreams
1 like • 13d
After reading this post, I just feel like going to the gym tonight🔥🔥 Thank you, Hidde
Which supplements do you take and why? Comment down below.
New comment 14d ago
1 like • 15d
Creatine, for extra energy.
1 like • 15d
@Hidde Tijhuis Yes! I also feel that I can focus better.
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Eline Groothuis
10points to level up

Active 2d ago
Joined Sep 2, 2024
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