Bio: Aloha! I am a Sexologist and Relational Therapist. My specialties are sex and intimacy enhancement. I offer retreats and online courses. -Dr. Bathurst
Bio: 👋 Hey! Im Talia Joy - HD Reflector. I help you master manifestation from the inside out to create the life and business you see in your mind's eye.
Bio: I’m a Somatic Therapist using Ecstatic Dance as a freedom pathway. Unlock your fullest Embodied Life to re-align with your deepest truths & desires!
Bio: Liberty Edwards, THE SELFIE COACH. I teach women everyday how to take incredible selfies and use them to build a presence online that oozes confidence
Bio: Mindful Mama de 4. Professeure de Yoga & Méditation, j'enseigne à la femme de se retrouver à travers tous ses rôles et à cultiver la joie + légèreté!