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The Unexpected Shape Café

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2 contributions to The Unexpected Shape Café
NaNoWriMo, yay or nay?
What do y'all think of NaNoWriMo? Is it helpful? Just a gimmick? Is it even feasible as a writer living with limitations? Thinking of joining this year to produce the first draft of my second novel...
New comment Oct '23
7 likes • Oct '23
I've done NaNo in the past and I found it fun, but for months after that i was very tired and drained. I haven't done NaNo in about four years now as I adjust to North Carolina life and heal from trauma and grow into myself. However, I am going to be trying it this year. I have set the bar low, but if I make 50k, then I will be happy. If not, that's OK too. The point is, is that I have made the effort. I think it's great to help build or rebuild the habit of writing daily, but I need to be mindful of my limitations and slow down if I need to.
Introductions ⭐
This is the introduction thread. Say hi, tell us where you’re from and what your writing is all about! In your introduction, answer these 4 questions: ➡️ What is your name (preferred pronouns as well, if you don't mind) ➡️ Why did you decide to join The Unexpected Shape Café? ➡️ What is your favorite book? ➡️ What are you interested in writing about? We can’t wait to meet you! If you'd like to share anything else as well, feel free! And welcome!
New comment 9d ago
Introductions ⭐
11 likes • Sep '23
Hello, I'm Essence (she, her, hers) from Goldsboro, NC. I joined this café community because I am looking to have more connections to other writers living with disabilities/limitations. I have PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder with some psychotic features, and autism. I have been an admirer of Esme since 2016 and was seeking writing about mental health and illness by people of color and learned about The Collected Schizophrenias. I have always appreciated and been a fan of Esme's openness and honesty. It's refreshing to see, and a touchpoint for me to reach. I am currently reading several books, which is not out of the ordinary for me. I have some religious studying I am doing, and then I'm reading Jericho Brown's Please; Ntozake Shange's Sassafras, Cypress, & Indigo; and some other books I can't think of right now. I enjoy lots of books, and I will read almost anything. I do really enjoy personal essay/memoir especially, as well as poetry. I miss my huge collection of books I had to leave behind in New Jersey, another story for another day. I am interested in writing about how to make changes in our society for the better, using my lived experience as an example. I also want for there to be more representation in the literary industry mainstream. I have many ideas bouncing around my head; it's a matter of how I am going to make them a reality. I think my favorite book is probably Sunflowers, by Sheramy Bundrick. That was the first book I was able to read in a day (after several years of not being able to read more than a few pages of material) and it was engaging. Sad, but still, to Essence in her early 20s, a beautiful book. The depictions of van Gogh's mental illness were realistic and not exploded to caricature. They felt sincerely researched and written, as was the book as a whole. Now I want to order it...
1-2 of 2
Essence Scott
2points to level up
Writer seeking community away from the chaos. Been writing since age 12. (egads!). Autistic, severely mentally ill, bisexual. She/They pronouns

Active 2d ago
Joined Sep 28, 2023
Goldsboro, North Carolina
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