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Brojo: The Integrity Army

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14 contributions to Brojo: The Integrity Army
Is Comparing Yourself to Others Worth It? 🤔📉
Daily Dose of Integrity Comparing yourself to other people is both inaccurate and pointless. You don't know what you're really seeing. You don't know what's happening behind the scenes for any given person. When you compare yourself to others, you are just looking at a small slice of someone's life, and comparing yourself to it without knowing the full person and what's really going on in their life. You don't even know if what you're seeing is really that successful, and even if it is, you don't know where the pain lies in other areas of their life. Consider: even if they are doing better than you, so what? How does that information help you at all? It doesn't! Comparing yourself to others is a pointless measurement. To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:
New comment 21h ago
Is Comparing Yourself to Others Worth It? 🤔📉
2 likes • 21h
I don't think I have this specific problem, but my partner does this all the time. It's infuriating, which is probably more a sign of my nice-guy problem of reacting to "criticism".
What hobbies do you guys have?
I’ve pretty much had the same hobby for 25 years. But given a big tangled mess of issues (the same ones that bring me to Brojo) it’s become more stressful and depressing than entertaining. So I’m on the hunt for alternatives. For reference, I’ve been dancing one or more of salsa/bachata/kizomba/zouk since 1999. It’s pretty challenging finding something that fills the gaps in fitness, social intros, nights at the bar, IRL tinder, and regular travel destinations for big events. Plus of course finding something I find interesting. So, let’s have a discussion about what you guys get yourselves up to. PS, I’ve done a few PT boxing sessions at the gym, which has got me to look at the nearby boxing gyms and Krav Maga options. I plan to check out a few trial classes.
New comment 7d ago
1 like • 7d
@Hemi Rainford Don’t be hard on yourself, that’s a pretty bloody good list you’ve got hidden in the middle of that long message. It’s fair enough to try things out and discard them if they don’t feel right. Do you think you gave each the time they needed to be able to actually tell if they could work for you? I’m an expert as over-researching something and never actually starting it, or running away as soon as I’ve ticked the “tried that” box.
1 like • 7d
@Jay Moore Holy crap, I’d need to retire to have the time 😂.
What Criminals Taught Me About Compassion
Daily Dose of Integrity There's an unexpected lesson I got from working with hardened criminal offenders when I was a probation officer, and that is compassion. One thing nearly all criminal offenders have in common is significant abuse in childhood. Abuse doesn’t guarantee someone will be a criminal, of course, but it's very rare for a hard criminal offender to have had a good childhood, it's as simple as that. And so, I'd have this killer, rapist, horrible harmful person in front of me who should be buried under the prison (I could pull the trigger myself they're just such a waste of space), and then I'd have this realization: At one point in time they were a baby with all the possibilities in front of them, and then someone came into their life and took those possibilities away with abuse and neglect. And that is true of everyone, everyone you ever meet. No matter how horrible they are, at one point in time they had the option to be better and someone took it away against their will and without their consent. You don’t need to forgive them or even understand their behaviour. Compassion means simply realising their choice to be a good person was taken away. And for those of you who would argue that other abuse victims didn’t become criminals, I’d say that’s because they got lucky with some kind of genetic predisposition or a significant positive influence at some point in their life.
New comment Nov 2
0 likes • Nov 2
@Mark Lange It’s an interesting psychological dynamic. It’s pretty common knowledge for kids and animals, but I see echos of it in lots of destructive adult behaviour. But I’ve never grasped the underlaying mechanism enough to be confident that I’m not seeing patterns where none exist. Could be a good video if Dan has insight (hint hint)
Classroom makeover!
My beautiful mrs @Lucie Munro has given our Classroom a new look with pictures for each of the courses. Check em out! This includes labels identifying which level each course is, allowing you to better choose what suits you right now
New comment Oct 20
Classroom makeover!
2 likes • Oct 20
That's actually really useful. Cutting down the options fixes my "decision paralysis".
150 members! Prizes for all!!
Hey everyone, congrats to us for reaching this milestone that I arbitrarily decided is important. Yay numbers! As a reward for being one of the first 150, each of you can choose one of my books to have for free. Just comment below with the title of the book you want! List here:
New comment Oct 28
150 members! Prizes for all!!
1 like • Oct 14
Congrats on the milestone. Bring on the 4th digits. Your only book I don't have is Nice Guy Syndrome Recovery.
1-10 of 14
Shane Day
22points to level up
Hi. I'm from Auckland, NZ, have been at the edge of BroJo for many years, and I'm a classic nice guy, but recently, it's been causing me problems.

Active 21h ago
Joined Jul 13, 2024
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