Working with this partial lunar eclipse
Ok, so there won't be big transits every day, sometimes the energy is just normal, but, this week is pretty active. (This should be it for the technical talk) We have a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces later today and it's extra special because Mars is being it's agitator self by squaring off with the nodes. What in the world does that mean for your day? If this is as far as you read, use this energy as the kick in the butt it is to move forward by connecting to, and trusting, your gut (or heart or wherever you feel your instincts). I marked an action item at the end. We're all made up of all of the things (masculine-feminine, shadow-light, serious-playful, organized-scattered, etc) and today's eclipse has an extra boost of the divine masculine (to activate and inspire us to get in touch with our emotions so they can (healthfully) take the CEO reins). These few days (yesterday through tomorrow and, most particularly, today) may feel frustrating, emotional, intuitive, day-dreamy, and cutting. This angst is here to help you set the foundation for moving forward. This is an invitation to slow down and ask your emotions what they need/what they want to do, and for you to do it. You may find yourself needing or wanting to vocalize (yelling or singing would not be surprising today), getting creative, daydreaming, or just getting quiet and letting your mind wander (which is ALWAYS a good idea, this is just an extra special workout) - go with that flow, even if it's for just 60 seconds, whenever you feel called and have the ability to. You may feel surprised by the emotions that come up today and they may get in the way of your productivity and efficiency - try to tend to those emotions. It's likely that they're from childhood and they've gotten stuck in a pattern you had to implement to keep you safe (this comes from Mars in Cancer and that tricky square) and now, you have agency and can process and release those patterns/emotions. (I'm making an assumption about your situation here) Know that it's safe to process now, that your inner mother (divine feminine) is hear and ready to nurture you.