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Provision Academy

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7 contributions to Provision Academy
Prepping 3 cameras
On any feature, tv series, commercial, etc. Most of the time, there is prep. This is where you make sure the camera and all accessories work. You check the lenses to make sure that they are sharp at 3',6',9',12' and on long lenses 30', 70'. Make sure that you have the right settings. By this time, you already have communicated with the DP what are his/her/they desired settings. Wireless system works etc. Yesterday, I was prepping 3 Arri Mini LF by myself. I spent two days through email trying to explain to the production supervisor that it is impossible to prep 3 cameras by myself. There is always no money to get another 1st or 2nd ac at the prep. My strategy is to reply in an email and include the UPM, Producer, DP that there will be a delay because I was short staffed at prep. This is a promo for Disney. So, there is a pre light day with a lot of down time. However, as a key 1st AC;I always try to get my crew the proper time (and money) to get their camera and work station ready for the shoot days. P.S.: The B 1st and 2nd ac came to the prep to get their camera ready. I am still working to get at least the B 2nd ac to get pay for the prep yesterday. Stay tuned
New comment 16d ago
ASC Vision Mentorship, a journey of discovery
In 2020 a DP friend of mine and i were having a conversation about how to grow up learn more and also the right time to get representation. During that time he advised me apply for the ASC Vision mentorship program. It gave me the boost and confidence to do so. As i believed i wasn't up to that level. When i got the letter saying i didn't make it, i kind convinced myself i wasn't good enough and my body of work obviously was not on par. I stayed away from it and just went on work and work but realized i wasn't doing it with the right energy in mind. This year out of the blue another DP friend told me she saw the program was opening soon and she felt like i should do it. At first i was reluctant and realized i still didn't want to face another no. But as i made a deal to myself that i can't back down from 2024 is a year of facing challenges staying out of any comfort zone i applied again. And she was on the process with me all along, discussing with me every piece needed to be submitted. It was a real game changer and when i was done with the process, i ended up telling her how wonderful she has been and the challenge to produce and update everything needed put me at piece. So much at peace i didn't care about the end result as i felt i grew and moved on. The reason i'm sharing this, is i want to believe it would help someone may be in doubt and also again 2024 goals is me being out there and sharing, staying real about my journey. As a 44 years father still struggling to make a decent living from it, i'm working on it. But will no longer pretend it doesn't bother me sometimes. Yesterday i received the 2024 submission letter from the ASC vision mentorship program, and i got in. It might not be anything, but being the first from my country to be part of it, it carries another weight especially when sharing my journey back home and helping the coming generation. You probably heard it before, but nurture your inervoice, struggle and pain are part of life, but as a step to reach peace and comfort.
New comment 16d ago
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Congratulations! Thank YOU for enduring through the process and knowing your worth.
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@Franck Onouviet This post made my day. This is why this space was put together. Keep thriving and pay it forward.
Perspective of life on set
Life on a film set is hard. Sometimes it films like you are at war. A battlefield! People literally died physically.. Others get hurt. And other died when they get fired simply because of politics. I've seen it and experience it myself. How do I cope with it? I think about the game of baseball. I played baseball since I was 7 years old all the way to my mid 20's. How do I relate baseball to film? Baseball is a team sport. Story telling is a team effort. As a full time focus puller, sometimes I beat myself over the head because I am not nailing every shot. The same way a hitter is not going to hit every pitch thrown at him. Same happens on set.. Actors not delivering their lines, dolly grip missing their mark, Operator not achieving the proper frame, focus puller buzzing a shot, DP not achieving the lighting the dir/producer wants, etc. Everyone is going to make mistakes.. The point I am trying to make is to do your best or like Jordam Oram mentioned in another post: It's not about perfection. Do your best! And have a short term memory. Speak up on set if you need another take. Talk to your team, help each other out, ask for help. Always be safe. Remember, it is only a JOB.
New comment 23d ago
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Hi Jordan! Thank you for you reply. Here is the answer to I integrate the mindset of "doing your best" and maintaining short-term memory into your daily work? I am a funny outgoing person. I like to have fun on set. I have to laugh and joke around to take the pressure off. This technique relax me and then my game face comes. Maintaining short term memory is work in progress because I do go home sometimes thinking: "I should have done better on this take" "Why Didn't I commit?" "I should have taken more marks" I am doing better as I continue to grow in the cinematic arts. Balancing the pressure of striving for excellence is: I read the sides the day before. I get into the story literally. When there is a marking rehearsal, I am watching the actors. Once, I know my assignment I become part of the story where I want the audience to see. I come up with ideas that I share with the cam op, Dp and director. And if I make a mistake, I tell the DP or Director: I need another one. Also: "Hey, I lost him here, but, the bulk of the scene is sharp and usable". This has brought a closer relationship to dirs, DP and it has ease the pressure of my shoulder. As far as teamwork, I have my 2nd ac call marks when its a long lens. It is important for me that my 2nd ac is involved in the story as well. Lately, most dp's want to shoot wide open on Open gate full frame lenses. Sometimes having an inch or a 1/4 of an inch of sharpness. I tell my 2nd ac to watch the take and to honestly tell me how it looks. Because I am looking at marks on the ring, the floor, the monitor and actors 😁. Jordan, I lead with my heart because I am a very emotional and thoughtful person. It's in my nature and I bring everyday to set.
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@Kyle Meeks Thank you Kyle for your reply. Just trying to do my best. Be well
🎬 Join Me Live: How I Secured My New Television Series – A Step-by-Step Walkthrough 🎥
Hey everyone, I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with you! I’ve recently secured a brand-new television series called Ripple, and I want to give you an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at exactly how I did it. On Saturday August 24th @ 12:00pm, I’ll be hosting a live presentation where I’ll walk you through every step of the process—from the initial research to closing the deal—using the system that made it all possible. What You’ll Learn: - My Exact Research Process: How I dug deep into the background of key decision-makers to understand their style and preferences. - Project Understanding: The crucial details I gathered about the series that helped me align perfectly with the client’s vision. - Crafting the Winning Pitch: How I created a pitch that resonated so strongly, they couldn’t say no. - The Presentation Strategy: The approach I used to deliver a compelling and confident pitch that sealed the deal. - Follow-Up Tactics: The steps I took after the pitch to ensure I stayed top-of-mind and secured the project. This isn’t just another course or lecture. This is a personal, real-world walkthrough of how I took a project from concept to contract—before I even met the team in person. Why Attend? If you’re in the film or television industry and want to learn how to secure your next big project, this is for you. Whether you’re an experienced professional or just starting out, you’ll walk away with actionable insights and a proven system you can apply to your own work. Reserve Your Spot: HERE Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from my firsthand experience. Spaces are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot now by adding it to your calendar and commenting in the chat below that you'll be there Looking forward to seeing you there and sharing this journey with you. Warm regards,
New comment 4d ago
🎬 Join Me Live: How I Secured My New Television Series – A Step-by-Step Walkthrough 🎥
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🌍 Where Are You From? 🎬
I’ve been thinking a lot about how special it is that we’re all coming together here, no matter where in the world we’re starting from. I was just in Lagos, Nigeria filming a documentary and it was surprised at how curiosity my crew had for resources that we have here. One of the biggest reasons I’m so dedicated to creating this academy is because I’ve never seen anything quite like it—something that truly brings filmmakers together across borders, cultures, and experiences. I’m genuinely curious to know where we’re growing and what other creative communities are out there in different parts of the world. It’s amazing to think about the possibilities of meeting you all in person someday, but for now, getting a great sense of where everyone’s at is the first step. Drop a comment below with: - Where You’re From (City & Country) - What’s Unique About Filmmaking in Your Hometown or Your Journey So Far I can’t wait to see where we all are, learn about the unique challenges and triumphs in your local communities, and continue building this incredible global network together. Looking forward to hearing from you and learning more about the amazing places we’re connecting from!
New comment 16d ago
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I was born and raised in Dominican Republic. Migrated to NYC when I was a teenager. NYC groomed me to be a filmmaker. I am currently in Los Angeles, CA. However, DR film community have been steadily growing in the last 5+ years. Films like: Old, runaway bride and others have been shot in Dominican Republic.
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Haffe Acosta
42points to level up
Filmmaker for life. Member of local 600 international cinematographers guild. Currently a 1st AC. Looking for opportunities to grow into DP/Camera Op

Active 3d ago
Joined Jul 16, 2024
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