Bio: Bývalá učiteľka, nadšenec do zdravej stravy, zakladateľka zdravej kaviarne na P6 pre ľudí s potrav. intoler. Verím na uzdravenie sa stravou a mysľou:)
Bio: 📱 | Pomáham firmám rásť vďaka efektívnemu online marketingu
🚀 | Zaujíma ma podnikanie a investovanie
🪷 | Zameriavam sa na sebarealizáciu a duchovno
Bio: Aktivní optimista, profesionál a lektor v oblasti IT. Fascinují mě možnosti síťového marketingu. Osobní rozvoj, technologie, turistika, life hacking.
Bio: Husband, father and grandfather (aka ‘Pops’), College educator, Life and career transition coach seeking to create a sustainable income and impact.
Bio: I’m selling my landscaping business for 200k this year. Took me 4 years to build the company. Now I am fulfilling my purpose by being a MINDSET COACH
Bio: Teacher-Mentor-Advocator
Gratify Positive change...I want it, I need it, I love it, I purpose it- to live the positive mindset life I wish to have.