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No Labels Necessary

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4 contributions to No Labels Necessary
Established Artists are cancelling tour date...why?
Tour dates are being cancelled by know and established artist..... What's going on right now?
New comment Sep '23
0 likes • Jul '23
@K.p. Bolden Money on the arist side or money from the consumer side? I feel that it's both, but leaning more on the consumer side. - Consumers don't have the money to buy the tickets. ---> Venue and things that go along with that gets more expensive ----> So does that get put on the performing artist in some way? I.e. Like making less money to perform?
1 like • Jul '23
@K.p. Bolden do you have an idea how folks over came that?
Searching for growth.
Hello everyone, hope you're all having a good day today. I am an artist/producer based out of FL and I joined because Ive been recording and performing music in my hometown for the past two years but I haven't figured out how to break out into a larger network in order to expand my fanbase. Ive read into some articles and watched some great videos by the BRANDMAN NETWORK and I am excited to be joining this community. Looking forward to see all of the growth possible through a community like this and how I could possibly also be of help
New comment Sep '23
0 likes • Mar '23
@Christopher Garcia Romero - Thanks for clearing that up! Earlier you mentioned running Facebook ads for some of your songs. So a few things came to mind: - Are you able to see the data on where folks are from that liked or commented on your songs you posted? - I ask because that could be a starting point to see where the "out of state folks" are from and see if there is enough data to support going over there. - If you don't have enough data.....have you thought about figuring a spot you can perform at in a state near you ? For example Georgia
1 like • Mar '23
@Christopher Garcia Romero First I want to let you know that I'm not trying come across like I know the exact solution to your situation. Just trying to show support by bouncing ideas with each other. I don't think its all a matter of doing the research and networking on social. I think from an indie artist perspective unless you have a manager we gotta make those connections. - it might be through social, - or it might be looking at the data > finding the best place (in your budget)you think people will rock with you at > and going over > shoot you might have to sign up for some open mics and make connections with folks that say. Overall I'm saying it sounds like you gotta try something different and after doing it see if it was worth it or not. Hope that's helpful
New member: Artist
Hello, Hi, and Hey everyone - just signed up to the network. Right now I got a few personal things I'm working through, but wanted to tap in to say what's up to everyone. Overall: - I'm an hip hop artist originally from Florida and now in Montana (Yup there's blacks folks out here!) - looking to start and continue the process of expanding my brand - I'm here to learn, offer support when I can, and practice active listening - I know I'm a leader, and I know in order to lead I gotta first learn to follow. I'm here to put my pride in my pocket and in return get some gems from you all Thanks again and until next time
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Mar '23
@Jean Paul nope I found someone local to help with that. I make sure I'm in the room during the process just to limit the back and worth via email. What about you Jean? What are you currently focusing on?
1 like • Mar '23
@Jean Paul So is the goal to write your music and sell it?, or is your goal to be an performing artist
IMPORTANT: Complete "How To Get Full Access & Not Get Kicked Out" Course When First Joining
Welcome new members! Please complete the "How To Get Full Access & Not Get Kicked Out" course as soon as possible to learn how to maximize your No Labels Necessary experience, how the platform works, and how to access additional resources and opportunities. You can access the course via the link below:
New comment 4d ago
1 like • Mar '23
All done....
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Jason Forges
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Active 377d ago
Joined Mar 15, 2023
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