Providers: physiatrists, orthos, GP - sort of- I do not focus here currently Businesses: local marinas, bait and tackle shops, boat dealerships and mechanics, J&M Tackle, Beach Bum Outdoors, Butch Thiery- Alabama Saltwater Fishing report...., Bass Pro Shops, Fishing Guides and Charters, Salt Strong Community: FB Kayak Fishing groups, off shore fishing groups, inshore fishing groups, fishing podcasts, My target audience is anglers dealing with back pain. I have a podcast Knotted Physio
I've been playing catch up! These videos are a great reminder of what I need to be doing and have put a small fire under me, so I can still get a few things done to move forward during the busy end of year/senior graduating activities!!!
Jay is a 42-50 year old who is married and has 1-2 older kids-( high school to college age). Jay works full time making $55k+. He loves to be able to fish and garden. He has no interest in working out but is getting concerned that he can not go out to do the things he truly enjoys without hurting himself. He complains about his back hurting him but does nothing to help it because he feels that this is just the way it is going to be. He hangs out with older friends because he feels at the same level as them physically. His wife doesn't enjoy fishing as much as he does, and it causes some tension between them. His wife suffers from motion sickness when on the boat and also has back pain. She is always trying to be a healthier version of herself. Jay keeps his mouth shut when it comes to her newest best big thing.
I am extremely slow to making my Trello board. I do have a paper board, my bandwidth for adding one more technological item right now is super low. This is on my to=do list after May 18th- my son is graduating high school this year, and all the things....