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No Labels Necessary

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🎵 Music Funding Academy

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Rich Musicians University

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83 contributions to No Labels Necessary
Which Distribution you prefer
I know there are a few that basically have the same benefits but there are some that give you more than others as well. Tune Core, CD Baby, Distro Kid, Untided Masters… there is more.
New comment Jun 27
0 likes • Jun 22
@Christian Nziku definitely agree, United Masters has more to offer than Distrito kid
Tiktok influencers 🤔
Has anyone used to get your music to Tiktok influencers?
Advanced Targeting Fb Ads
I highly suggest checking this out if you do FB ads. I call it stealing other artist fans.
New comment Oct '23
Advanced Targeting Fb Ads
0 likes • Oct '23
@Valentina Osinski no problem
Untied Masters or Venice Music 🤔
I currently am using both they both have great features. Which one do you feel has more to offer than the other 🤔
New comment Sep '23
1000 Fans Theory is Outdated… What Our Smart Artists Are Doing Now
I remember when I first discovered the 1000 Fan Theory that “all you need is 1k fans who are willing to pay you $100 to make a living”....It was exciting to have a clear goal that would allow me to make a living doing whatever I wanted… But after ACTUALLY having well over 1k customers and helping hundreds of artists reach 1k fans…I know that getting there isn’t as easy as it seems and that goal is a little short-sighted. The internet has changed so much since that theory was published back in 2008. So, we’ve started going against the 1k theory over the last couple of years, especially for artists with niche audiences. Let me explain… What if you only had one HUNDRED people BUT they were willing to pay you $1,000 instead? I mean, it’s simple math…that’s the same amount of money for 1/10 the amount of fans… 1 suddenly becomes equal to 10 fans! But how do you increase the AMOUNT fans are willing to pay you? This has been VERY easy to do outside of the music industry for years now, because people make tools for digital marketers that make it easy to do hundreds of thousands (and millions) of dollars WITHOUT having to be an elite marketer… I know, because I use these tools myself for my own companies… But music is a different beast, and no one has done this for artists. For example… One of our artists is currently selling out a $750 ticket fan experience event, which is AMAZING… And another artist just got reached out to directly by the founder of a tech startup to do a private office party event …he got over $10,000 from ONE fan before the artist ever did his own solo tour. Do you know how much hacking and manual work it usually takes us to get this point for artists? It’s RIDICULOUS… Waaaaay too much. So around 2 years ago my team and I searched for a platform that could do it all for us, but after months of failing to find it, we decided to build something ourselves. But reality set in… and we never had the time to actually do it That really sucked because not only did artists need it, WE suffered as a team. We wasted MONTHS sometimes doing what could take a couple of weeks with the right tech…
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Jul '23
@Sean Taylor one thing I wonder about is the text feature they have. Superphone is basically like that but one thing you can do with Superphone that I don’t know if you can do with this is connect your Superphone with Shopify so when things are sold and number and email are collect through Shopify it shows in Superphone.
1 like • Jul '23
@Sean Taylor very true Iv noticed that about Superphone. I made and account with Forevefans, looking to see how this workout, it definitely seems like it’s what artist need for sure. Bet, how do I join the meeting?
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Infinite Illis
153points to level up
Infinite ILLIS is what I go by, I am an independent rap artist, singer.

Active 1d ago
Joined Dec 9, 2022
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