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Growing with God (Free)

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3 contributions to Growing with God (Free)
Proverbs challenge day 4
Hey Guys I hope you had a blessed Sunday today and I pray for a blessed week ahead🙂🙌🏽 It’s Day 4 of our Proverbs Challenge! As part of today’s reflection, I chose Proverbs 4:5: Proverbs 4:5 - Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. This verse really emphasizes the importance of pursuing wisdom and understanding, which ties beautifully with yesterday’s verse from Proverbs 3:13: Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding." Both verses highlight how crucial it is to seek wisdom, and they remind us that it’s not just about gaining knowledge but also about applying it to our lives. This passage encourages me to continue valuing and seeking wisdom in all aspects of life. It’s a reminder to stay committed to learning and applying God’s guidance, ensuring that I don’t stray from His teachings. I plan to make a conscious effort to seek out wisdom daily through prayer, studying Scripture, and reflecting on my experiences. I’ll also discuss this with my friends and family, sharing how important it is to integrate wisdom into our lives. I’d love to hear what verse from today’s chapter stood out to you! Share your reflections in our Skool community and let’s keep encouraging each other on this journey🙏🏽
New comment Aug 5
3 likes • Aug 4
“My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.” Proverbs 4:20-22. Proverbs 4 was a great read, I couldn’t pick just 1 verse. All 3 of these really spoke to me. It’s a reminder to stay in his word and allow them to lead you in everything that you do. This hit home for me. While facing trials, it can be hard not to feel down, worried, or fearful of things not working out. I’m still learning his word and trying to do my best to redirect fears when they do arise by speaking scriptures to myself. In verse 22, I resonate so deeply because there was a point in time where I felt so lifeless and the only thing that pulled me out of this dark place and kept me going was his word.🤍
Day 1 proverbs challenge
For the 1st of August , I read Proverbs 1, and the verse that really spoke to me was Proverbs 1:5: "Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance." This verse to me emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and seeking guidance. It reminds me that wisdom is not a destination but a journey of ongoing growth. By listening and learning, we become wiser and better equipped to make decisions. Today, I’m making a conscious effort to seek out new knowledge and guidance in my decisions and listen more whether it’s through reading, asking for advice, or simply being open to new insights, I want to embrace this mindset of growth. I plan to discuss this verse with my friends and family, asking them how they seek wisdom and what strategies they use to keep learning and growing. I’m excited to hear what verse in Proverbs 1 stood out for you🙂
New comment Aug 2
1 like • Aug 2
Proverbs 1:7 stood out to me the most: “Fear of the lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline” What I understood from this was that true wisdom comes from trusting God, his word, and the ways he has asked us to live—righteously. As He is the most high—the wise should fear to go against his wisdom and instead live to obey, love, and worship Him. Each day I am aiming to take in more of God’s wisdom by making time to read the Bible and understand his word while also trying to maintain discipline to obey and live righteously.
Hey Guys!
I’m thrilled to have you here as we dive deeper into our walk with God. I’d love to hear from you—what’s your favorite Bible verse and why? Drop a comment below and share! I’ll kick things off with mine: Romans 12:2. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will." This verse has been transformative for me. It made me realize how much I was just following the world’s patterns and highlighted the power of renewing the mind. I learned that changing my thoughts can profoundly change my life. 🙏 Looking forward to hearing your favorites and their impact on you!🤩
New comment Aug 2
Hey Guys!
2 likes • Aug 1
@Gabriella Murphy this also one of my favorite scriptures. Currently helping me get through a tough time 🙏🏼
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Jessica LeBron
14points to level up
New to the journey, here to learn 🙏🏼

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Joined Aug 1, 2024
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