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558 contributions to ChatGPT Users
Ever wondered what would happen if AI became too powerful?
I recently watched Monsters of Man —a film where AI robots are tested in a remote village in middle of jungle to showcase their tactical abilities, all in pursuit of winning lucrative military contracts. The movie paints a chilling picture of how easily AI technology could be manipulated by those with questionable motives, leading to unintended consequences. One particular scene stood out to me—a moment when an AI robot becomes deeply fascinated with human anatomy. It examines the human form with a level of curiosity that feels unsettling, as it absorbs this knowledge into its system. What makes this scene even more thought-provoking is that such a scenario isn't entirely far-fetched. While the technology may not be fully realized in the physical world yet, we are undoubtedly heading in that direction. It leaves me wondering—are we prepared to handle the implications of AI as it continues to evolve? As much as I am hopeful for the future, it's important that we remain vigilant about the ethical use of this powerful technology. The question is, will we have the wisdom to guide it responsibly? What are your thoughts on the future of AI? I'd love to hear what you think. How do you feel about the potential risks and rewards of artificial intelligence?
New comment 22h ago
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@Rahul Liverpool A great question. It goes back to anything, really. It depends on the intent of the heart of the user/developer/trainer. If they have good intentions or bad intentions. We all have free will and what we choose to do with it will dictate what happens in the future including how the AI landscape will be created. If we look back at history it's not hard to see that there have been good and bad influencers in every area of our lives. AI is no different.
anyone getting 404 errors on ChatGPT?
anyone getting 404 errors on ChatGPT? I can't remember this being an issue prior to the new release, but I am getting the 404 error multiple times with no pattern that I can tell. Anyone else notice?
New comment 1d ago
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There have been a ton of notifications in the past few days with several issues with ChatGPT. I think it's growing pains!
🚀 Create a Deep Dive Podcast from Chat Logs in Minutes (for FREE!)
Are you ready to have your mind blown!? I recently used Google’s new NotebookLM to create a “Deep Dive Podcast” for one of my clients, and it was mind-blowing! It only took a few minutes to generate a highly convincing 10-15 minute podcast—without any prompting. That's right. NO PROMPTING! I simply exported a PDF of my client's chat logs from Fastbots AI, uploaded it to NotebookLM, and let the Google AI do the rest. The result was an impartial audio review of the chat logs, featuring insightful conversations between a male and female voice. The AI even revealed new insights and suggestions that sparked ideas my client hadn’t considered. It’s perfect for clients who might not read a 40-page PDF but would happily listen to a podcast on their way to the office or between meetings. I’m considering offering this podcast audio review service for free once per quarter—none of your competitors are doing this yet! 😄 How to Do It: 1. Head to NotebookLM and log in with your Google ID. 2. Look for the “Notebook Guide” in the lower-right corner (easy to overlook if you’re not sure where to find it). 3. Upload your content—PDFs, chat logs, etc.—and let NotebookLM generate a podcast or other content like FAQs and Briefs for website updates or further chatbot training and optimization. Note: With minor editing skills, you could easily add some background music, intro and exit bumpers, and add this deep dive podcast to your favorite podcast and video platforms as appropriate. Pro Tip: NotebookLM is in high demand with creators using it for SEO content, so it may take a little longer right now, but it's worth the wait! If you haven’t explored this yet, give it a try and take your client engagement to the next level. 🌟
New comment 6h ago
🚀 Create a Deep Dive Podcast from Chat Logs in Minutes (for FREE!)
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@Tony Baker that would be awesome, thanks for sharing, Tony!
What model is better for posts images and has api?
What image model is the best for post images and has api? I want to create my blog post images automatically from or zapier Thanks
New comment 2d ago
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For generating images that are suitable for posts and have an API, you might want to consider the following options: 1. DALL-E 3 by OpenAI: DALL-E 3 is known for its ability to generate high-quality, creative images from text prompts. It offers an API through OpenAI, making it a great choice for integrating into your applications or workflows. 2. Midjourney: Midjourney is another popular image generation model with a strong reputation for creating artistic and visually appealing images. While it doesn't have a traditional API, it does offer integrations with tools like Discord, which might be useful depending on your needs. 3. Stable Diffusion: Stable Diffusion, developed by Stability AI, is a powerful and flexible image generation model. It has various implementations and can be accessed via APIs from different providers like Replicate or directly from Stability AI. 4. Adobe Firefly: Adobe's Firefly model is designed to create high-quality images and is integrated into Adobe's suite of tools. While it might not have a public API, its integration with Adobe products can be useful if you're already using Adobe Creative Cloud. Each of these models has its strengths, so the best choice will depend on your specific requirements, such as the style of images you need and how you plan to integrate the API into your workflow.
I Test The New AI Model From Open AI - GPT o1 Preview 🍓
Open AI has finally released something new and exciting! Yesterday they launched 2 new LLMs: o1 preview and o1 mini. They are available to all ChatGPT Plus users and those who are on Tier 5 of the API. The big deal is that they now do chain-of-thought prompting and reasoning to really *think* before providing us with an answer. They excel at coding, maths, and science. 🧬 👉 Watch the demo here: Have you tried it out? If so, I'd love to know your thoughts and how you have used it below! Cheers Jason
New comment 2d ago
I Test The New AI Model From Open AI - GPT o1 Preview 🍓
3 likes • 6d
Thanks @Jason West a great video and examples!
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Julie Helmer
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Content Creator, ChatGPT Certified, Author, Photographer

Active 6h ago
Joined Jun 13, 2023
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