Bio: Hey I'm Nicholas, 27 years old male. I'm from the DMV area, my hobbies include going to music festivals, concerts, anime conventions and martial arts.
Bio: I was the CMO of a $2B startup while I was in college.
Now I'm building Founders, Inc. a $100M+ incubator in San Francisco. THE DOCK Skool now open.
Bio: Derrick, 36. In 2022 I realized I wasn't being a man. I haven't drank, smoked, or played vids games since. I want to share how I grow so others can.
Bio: “In a society where mediocrity is too often the standard and too often rewarded, there is intense fascination with men who detest mediocrity”— Goggins
Bio: 38, Agency owner, musician, powerlifter...former ultra-marathon runner & PUA trainer...lover of Honduran cigars, French cheese, women & heavy metal