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Owned by Kawika

Self-Host Hub

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Replace costly automation services for your business.

Self-Host Innovators

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Replace costly automation services for your business.


High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

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14 contributions to Content Academy
How to get that pink arrow on the fly?
You know what I am talking about. lol It is super helpful
New comment 23d ago
How to get that pink arrow on the fly?
0 likes • 25d
Epic Pen can do it as well. I programmed my StreamDeck with all the functions.
Asana Viable Replacement for Airtable?
Hey automation builders, I've been super inspired by the stuff being built within this community, however I've never really been a big airtable user and it really irks me they can't even include a dark mode natively. I'd feel much more aligned using a tool like asana long term from what I currently understand, so I'm wondering if any of you use asana for your automations and or if you think it is a viable replacement for airtable, thoughts?
New comment 27d ago
1 like • 27d
I use Asana every day and it has its limits like any other project management tool. It can work but it would require some very creative or n8n workflows, possibly custom modules. I'm building a workflow in ClickUp and n8n using built-in nodes, as a proof of concept. If it works, I might try Asana. Cheers
Youtube Faceless
There is a lot of talk about faceless YouTube, however the high costs and 0 guarantee that the niche will work makes it complicated, what do you think?
New comment 28d ago
3 likes • 29d
@Jose Andonaire I'm looking forward to what you come up with as well.
📌 Project Management Tools 📌
Ok I am just diving into the program and bringing on a VA... I believe all the workflows are in asana and Airtable, but does anyone use Clickup? Just looking for advice in replacing both of those with the 1 tool.
New comment 13d ago
0 likes • 29d
I'm building a video creator workflow in ClickUp right now. n8n has a very extensive library for ClickUp. Still too early to tell if it will work or not. 🤞
💪 Keep Your Head DOWN—And STICK To Your PLAN
This past week was tough. Various events kept knocking me off track. I made promises to clients, I had to deliver a new course to my community, and I have 2 YouTube videos to record. And I have to be a good dad and husband to my family. And its ALL important: I need happy clients, happy community members and more YouTube videos to grow my business. And why are we doing all this if we can't be present with our family? That means I have very little time for mistakes, or distractions. But things kept going wrong none the less. - An upset client called my product "ridiculous" - While recording videos for my community I kept making mistakes - I had to re-record hours worth of videos - I realized TWO of the videos used the wrong mic (they sounded terrible) - I was days behind and I still hadn't even started my YouTube videos With a growing TODO list, and less time to do it, there were moments where it was hard to do ANYTHING. I was frozen. All I could imagine was all the people I was about to upset, or let down. These are the times where you have to calm down, regroup, put your head down, and stick to your plan. For me the best method is simple. A quick drive to a local Airport where I can watch a few planes take off and land. AND a good old fashion note book to map out next steps. I mapped out all the things I still needed to get done, in order, so I could focus. One at a time, instead of them all flashing before my eyes all at once. I mapped out what I could do for my upset client, and presented the next steps to resolve the issue. I mapped out what was going wrong with my videos, and how I could use that to produce better videos. I found an AI tool to help me fix the audio issues from recording on the wrong mic. I decided on the 2 YouTube videos I'd record. And then I drove back home and attacked each item one by one. As I sit here right now, I launched the course (on time) and have only 1 more YouTube video to record. I sent the first YT video to my editor an hour or so ago.
New comment 15d ago
2 likes • Aug 17
💯 Great advice. I went through that multiple times the last 2 months. Reaching goals is rarely a straight line. Having a solid "North Star" to steer for makes the process a lot easier.
1 like • Aug 18
@Stephen G. Pope Thanks! You've been an inspiration.
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Kawika Ohumukini
23points to level up
Creator of Self-Host Studio.

Active 12m ago
Joined Jun 17, 2024
Orange, CA
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