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Into Scripture

Public • 7 • Free

A space to help you learn more about Jesus and help spread the Word to others! ✝️


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5 contributions to Into Scripture
Verse of the Day - 2/9/2024
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11 Hey everyone, let's reflect on this reassuring promise from Jeremiah today. It's a reminder that, even when things seem uncertain or when we're not sure which direction we're headed, God has a plan for each of us. And it's not just any plan; it's one filled with hope, prosperity, and a bright future. This verse invites us to trust in God's timing and His path for our lives, even when we can't see all the details or the end result. It's about believing that every step we take is part of a larger, divine design meant to bring us joy and fulfillment. So, whenever you're feeling lost or unsure about what's next, remember this verse. It's a nudge to keep moving forward with faith and optimism, knowing that God's plans for us are always for our best. Let's hold onto this hope and let it guide us through each day. Happy Friday!
Verse of the Day - 2/9/2024
Verse of the Day - 2/8/2024
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9 Hey everyone, today's verse from Joshua is a powerful call to bravery and faith. In life, we all face moments that test our courage and tempt us to give in to fear or discouragement. Whether it's a new opportunity, a challenging situation, or the uncertainty of what lies ahead, it's normal to feel a bit intimidated. But here's the incredible assurance we have: God is with us in every single moment, walking beside us, guiding our steps. This promise isn't just about being physically strong; it's about finding strength in our faith, knowing that no matter what we face, we're not alone. So, let's embrace this encouragement, step out in faith, and take on our days with confidence. Remember, with God by our side, there's nothing we can't face. Let's carry this courage into every challenge and see the amazing places it takes us!
Verse of the Day - 2/8/2024
Verse of the Day - 2/7/2024
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." - Proverbs 3:5 Hey everyone, let's dive into this powerful piece of wisdom from Proverbs today. It's easy to get caught up in trying to figure everything out on our own, especially when we're faced with big decisions or the unknown. But here's the beautiful reminder: when we place our trust in God and not just in what we think we know, something amazing happens. First off, it frees us from the weight of having to have all the answers. And second, it opens us up to follow God's lead, which, let's be honest, is way better than anything we could come up with! So, whenever you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure, remember this truth. Trusting in God's plan doesn't just lighten our load; it guides us to the best paths and keeps us in peace, knowing He's got it all in control. Let's lean into that trust and see where He leads us.
New comment Feb 7
Welcome Everyone! Let's Get to Know Each Other 🕊️
Hello amazing people! As we kick off our journey together in this wonderful community, I thought it would be great to start with introductions. I'm Kevin, and I'm super excited to be here with all of you. Let's get the chance to get to know each other! I'd love to hear... 1. Your name and where you're from. 2. What brought you to this community. 3. One thing about your faith journey that you find special or unique. This is a supportive space, so feel free to share as much or as little as you're comfortable with. I believe every story is important and can inspire others in ways we might not even realize. Looking forward to getting to know each of you and growing together in faith!
New comment Feb 7
Verse of the Day - 1/23/2024
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13 Hey everyone, let's chat about this amazing line in Philippians. Sometimes life throws huge challenges at us, and it feels like we're not cut out to handle them. But here's the thing: when we lean into our faith we see two distinct effects in our lives. First, actually placing trust in God and His plan will ultimately benefit us the most. And second, having the mental reassurance that we don't have to go through life's challenges alone is incredibly empowering! So whenever things get tough, remember, we're not alone in this. That's the beauty of our journey with Christ: by trusting in His plan and embracing the strength He offers, we find not just the courage to face our challenges, but the peace of knowing we're always supported, every step of the way.
New comment Jan 24
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Kevin M
15points to level up
Hi! My name is Kevin and I'm an avid follower of Jesus who is looking to spread the word, have open discussion, and learn more about our God!

Active 194d ago
Joined Jan 24, 2024
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