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Enemes Academy Community

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Enemes Academy Inner Circle

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4 contributions to Enemes Academy Community
Instant Gratification & Depreciating Assets
Ever heard the English phrase: All work and no play, makes Johnny a dull boy? The phrase reminds us of the need for balance. However, today's culture of instant gratification often pushes people to over-prioritize leisure and immediate pleasure. While it’s important to enjoy life, chasing instant rewards—like buying the latest gadgets, luxury cars, or designer clothes—can be financially dangerous, especially when these items are depreciating assets. Depreciating assets lose their value over time, meaning the money spent on them quickly evaporates, leaving you with little to show for it. This quest for instant gratification can lead to impulse spending, debt, and long-term financial instability. Instead of building wealth or saving for future needs, people often find themselves in a cycle of buying things that bring only temporary satisfaction (Instant Gratification). The real danger is that this mindset can undermine long-term financial goals, such as buying a home, investing, or saving for retirement. To avoid these pitfalls, it's important to practice financial discipline, focusing on acquiring assets that appreciate over time, like property or NFTs or participating in Private Sales, and to strike a balance between enjoying the present and planning for the future. After all, Robert Kiyosaki in his book, “Cashflow Quadrant” explains it beautifully on why we should all strive to become Investors rather being Employees, Self-employed or even Business Owners. Are you and Instant Gratification person, or a longer-term Investor? Only YOU can decide……
New comment 5d ago
Instant Gratification & Depreciating Assets
1 like • 5d
So profound Sir,Instant gratification is a silent killer that decreases the most your most valuable asset, your mental wellbeing. quiq fixes Decreases attention span,making it difficult for users to focus on one thing for an extended period of time and loses interest .the ability to focus on meaningful activities like building relationships which is crucial for your mental wellbeing!
True Success
Remember this. Who doesn't want to see fast results? WE all crave that instant success ,that overnight transformation, While everyone dreams of swift victories, the truth is that lasting achievements are built over time. Success isn't a sprint but a marathon. Video I Uploaded had me thinking of easy come ,easy go. Consistency is the key to success🗝️
New comment 7d ago
True Success
Mastering the Art of Building a Whale Portfolio with NFTs & Private Sales
Dreaming of Whale Portfolio Status? For some, it's a distant dream. For others, just another day at the office. But here’s the truth: Building a Whale Portfolio is within your reach. It can be easy—or difficult. It all depends on three things: - Your hunger for success - Your dedication to growth - Your willingness to learn And then there’s patience—LOTS of it. Overnight success? That’s a fantasy reserved for lottery winners, and we all know how that story ends. Most of them are broke within a few years. Why? Easy come, easy go. Now imagine this instead: A portfolio built steadily, nurtured over time, and strengthened by smart additions of NFTs and Private Sales. With that strategy, you're not gambling on your future—you’re guaranteeing it. Education + Mindset = Whale Portfolio Success Luciaan delivers the education you need to get there. But mindset? That’s personal. While Luciaan can guide you, it's up to you to take action and seize the future you desire. Here are eight powerful ways to shift your mindset toward long-term success: 1. Educate Yourself 2. Set Clear Goals 3. Shift from Short-Term Thinking to a Long-Term Vision 4. Develop Emotional Resilience 5. Adopt a Growth Mindset 6. Stay Consistent 7. Surround Yourself with Success-Driven People 8. Review & Adapt as You Grow It’s time. Take control. Dominate. And grow your Whale Portfolio.
New comment 3d ago
1 like • 7d
powerful nuggets Mr Gordan
Client Testimonial
I just watched this 3 year old video of one of our clients who increased their capital by 450% in 2 week. And once again I realised, it’s indeed time for a price increase. We announced the price increase 2 weeks ago. 1 November our prices increase by 50%. Get in now to save on 50%
New comment 7d ago
Client Testimonial
2 likes • 7d
What stood out for me in this video.Don't stop learning and take action after learning.powerfull
1-4 of 4
Leonard Saul
11points to level up
PTA in the house.lets get it!

Active 2h ago
Joined Sep 10, 2024
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