Bio: I am a 37 year old wife & mother of 2 and can not wait to learn the skills to become financially free, give my kids a better life and to help others.
Bio: I am a mom, grandmother & great grandmother, retired. I was an owner/broker with multi offices in Real Estate in NY & NJ for 44 years. Ready for this!
Bio: I am the queen of my own castle
Married and a mom of 3
I've always wanted to be my own boss and building my castle bigger.
guidance from the Almighty
Bio: I am part of the original tech and approved and vetted by the current tech team for all of your tech needs.
Bio: My Nickname: Never Give Up, My First Name: SHABIR, My Middle Name: Always Help, My Last Name: AKBARI.
My purpose in life is TO loyally Impact lives.
Bio: I am happy to help anyone that wants to gain financial freedom. I am a mom of 2 adult children, remarried and looking to enjoy life with less stress