Uneasy decision to make...
Well animators, I will be straight forward... I shutting down "Ballistic Animators" This decision was made due to me wanting to focus more on my YouTube channel and start doing sponsorships. I no longer wish to manage a community and sell courses on animation. This community takes away my time and most importantly it also costs money to be hosted. That's why I'm losing more than I'm gaining from it. But don't worry that much. Our top members @Greek Dummy and @Ban Bosanski will create a Discord server for us to continue sharing our animations and progress there. The server should be done by tomorrow, this is when we are going to share the link! This might upset many of you as I see how active and invested you are here. I have to make the best decision for myself too. We've grown as a family here with more than a 1000 animators here, I also feel bad for having to lose you.