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Owned by Heidi

Journeys With My Body

Private • 27 • Free

Unlock your body's wisdom and transform your life through our unique blend of holistic coaching, energy healing, and creative self-discovery.


Afford Free Time

Private • 77 • $27/m

Strategic Leader Training

Private • 140 • $27/m

Secrets to Your Success ॐ

Private • 1.4k • $97/m

Byte Brigade

Private • 572 • Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

Private • 12.7k • Free

The Spiritual Business Owners

Private • 1.4k • Free

Somagetics Sanctuary

Private • 183 • Free

The Family

Private • 314 • $29/m

Work From Home💰

Private • 14 • $7/m

35 contributions to Content Academy
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
Hi! Welcome to the Content Academy. This community is designed to help you build a profitable content strategy, efficient team & automated content process. Step 1: Introduce yourself in THIS THREAD below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you from? What are you working on? What immediate help do you need? Step 2: Read the rules and checkout our free courses and paid programs
1411 members have voted
New comment 5h ago
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
0 likes • 7d
@Amandeep Basi yup.... I feel you! Welcome... being here will help with support and ideas.
1 like • 2d
@Evgeny Kotlarov Welcome!
💪 Keep Your Head DOWN—And STICK To Your PLAN
This past week was tough. Various events kept knocking me off track. I made promises to clients, I had to deliver a new course to my community, and I have 2 YouTube videos to record. And I have to be a good dad and husband to my family. And its ALL important: I need happy clients, happy community members and more YouTube videos to grow my business. And why are we doing all this if we can't be present with our family? That means I have very little time for mistakes, or distractions. But things kept going wrong none the less. - An upset client called my product "ridiculous" - While recording videos for my community I kept making mistakes - I had to re-record hours worth of videos - I realized TWO of the videos used the wrong mic (they sounded terrible) - I was days behind and I still hadn't even started my YouTube videos With a growing TODO list, and less time to do it, there were moments where it was hard to do ANYTHING. I was frozen. All I could imagine was all the people I was about to upset, or let down. These are the times where you have to calm down, regroup, put your head down, and stick to your plan. For me the best method is simple. A quick drive to a local Airport where I can watch a few planes take off and land. AND a good old fashion note book to map out next steps. I mapped out all the things I still needed to get done, in order, so I could focus. One at a time, instead of them all flashing before my eyes all at once. I mapped out what I could do for my upset client, and presented the next steps to resolve the issue. I mapped out what was going wrong with my videos, and how I could use that to produce better videos. I found an AI tool to help me fix the audio issues from recording on the wrong mic. I decided on the 2 YouTube videos I'd record. And then I drove back home and attacked each item one by one. As I sit here right now, I launched the course (on time) and have only 1 more YouTube video to record. I sent the first YT video to my editor an hour or so ago.
New comment 15d ago
1 like • Aug 17
Once again, really needed this.... I appreciate your ability to regroup, refocus and then share! Thank you @Stephen G. Pope
$54,841/month Community ➕ 999x Your YouTube Channel?
One important lesson I learned in the Skool games was that consistent growth requires a consistent high quality traffic source. If you're trying to win the games your growth has to be consistent day after day. And you only have 30 days to lock in your win, so focus is a must. The games force you to think about those daily tasks that can drive traffic to your community. For me, there was really only one lever I could pull to make that happen, YouTube. It's the only platform where when I put in more time on the video I know I get better results. My channel was growing before the Games, but everything changed for the better when I changed my YouTube strategy. And it's simple. - Make the best video on YouTube about that topic - Make a video ONLY you could think up and execute - Give away every detail and step (don't hide anything) I started spending 2-3 days on each video, instead of a few hours and my channel has grown 999x compared to the year before. I also personally make each YouTube thumbnail 1-2 hours. It changed everything for my channel, and frankly my business, and helped me get to #12 on the all time leaderboard for the Skool games. I don't do any channel research, keyword research, competitor analysis, none of it. I'm not saying that stuff doesn't work, I don't really know. But I do know what has been working for me. I just try and make the best video on YouTube. Take a look at the YouTube graph below. The first big spike is when Hormozi announced he was investing in Skool (this made all my existing Skool YT videos blow up!). The next big spike happened June 1st when I entered the Skool games and decided to give everything away on YouTube. I tell you this now because you could wait 1-2 years to do this like I did, or you can start right now and get there a WHOLE LOT FASTER. You don't need a YouTube strategist, you don't need "consistency", you just need to put in the energy to make a great video without fear that no one will hire you (they will).
New comment 2d ago
$54,841/month Community ➕ 999x Your YouTube Channel?
1 like • Aug 13
@Stephen G. Pope This is the best, and so deserving! Thank you for continuing to give us so much value!
1 like • Aug 13
@Wendy Dixon-Jewitt I am right there with you (age and thoughts) ... we have permission, let's do this!
Why Implementing A Mission and Vision is HARD (at first)
I've been really fascinated with mission and vision statements lately. Because I've seen their true power. They keep you going when things go wrong. They take your EGO out and make whatever you're doing about OTHERS instead of you. They become a north star that keeps you focused on important things. But they are SUPER hard to actually implement. Very few people take the time to make the statements at all. Some take the time, and then quickly forget about them. Some speak the words into the world and quickly forget them after a lack luster response. And I know why, because at first, mission and vision statements have little meaning. If you do share your mission and vision with others, don't expect a big applause. In fact, the opposite. They are nothing but WORDS. Of course they have ZERO impact on the world. Most people won't connect with a few simple words that don't really directly apply to them. It's too abstract. People connect with true movements and a sense of momentum. That only comes from real proof, people moving in a direction, and lives being changed by those words. So yes you should share your mission and vision, but don't expect anything much in terms of feedback until those words CHANGE LIVES. As the leader you'll need to move mountains and gain that momentum all by yourself. It doesn't have to be you forever, but someone needs to be that flame 🔥 (that fire starter). Keep your eye on that north star and PROVE to people that those WORDS mean something. Then people will care.
New comment Aug 6
2 likes • Jul 25
All true and also challenging to face at times. (As the leader you'll need to move mountains and gain that momentum all by yourself.) So... working on the changing lives part!
Midjourney Or Real? **SOLVED**
Real or MJ? Mystery Solved → RIGHT HERE
131 members have voted
New comment Jul 22
Midjourney Or Real? **SOLVED**
2 likes • Jul 21
How interesting that we are almost split down the middle with votes.
1-10 of 35
Heidi Reagan
192points to level up
My specialty is guiding women through the emotional journeys of their evolving bodies, and navigating the ups and downs with resilience and self-love.

Active 49m ago
Joined Apr 15, 2024
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